My Newly Constructed Grow Room


Well-Known Member
This is my first thread so I'll just lay out what I've got. Right now I'm growing bag seed and have 24 beautiful ladies under 1000w HPS. They are around 2.5 feet tall in second week of flowering. This is my first grow but I have a BA in horticulture so I have a little greenhouse experience. I'm using an e&f system. My pH is around 5.8 and ppm is around 1200. I'm using botanicare products. I've had a small bit of curling(some leafs almost look to be serrarated) and lower leaf browning as well as a small amont of general yellowing. I added some superthrive when I first moved over to e&f. I also just added some cal-mag plus just hoping i have a micro defficency. I just removed males and moved in some new babes from shop lights. I have built a growroom that I think meets all the right criteria. My temps under light is a bit high at 80F. I have 2 occilating fans in the room and a tunnel fan in a window. Even now with a humidifier my rhumidity is around 55%. An AC duct feeds the room fresh c02 and is all the temp regulation that I have. Temp in the rest of the room is around 75F. The room size is 12'x12' and absolutely everything is covered in mylar. I have ordered my seeds and plan to expand to four trays after this harvest. I plan to grow Northern lights, Big Bud, Whitewidow max and afgani-thai. The room is set up with an isle down the center of two 12'x4' tables.

I wrote this last week and am now in week three of flowering. The pictures posted are week two pics. Also the plant in the soil showed it's balls and is now gone...i could have cried. The smaller plants I added after sexing the tray.

I'm new to this site and have no rep points...if you like what you see help me out with that!



Well-Known Member
You got sum good plants bra. da curling could be bacause of a small over nute but doesn't look serious or could be other things.
Nice growin be easy +rep bra.


Well-Known Member
This was last week and the plants are all better now....just needed the cal mag....thanks guys


Well-Known Member
I'll get some new ones tomorrow...just checked them out yesterday and these ladies have some real nice popcorn


Well-Known Member
I built stands for my T-12's today and took two sexed mothers out of the system. They are now back under 24 hr light and I hope to be able to clone off of them next week. I got two small pumps and installed them on my seedlings in rockwool with drippers and the mothers. One of the resevoirs is a tote with holes drilled in the lid. The holes just allow the water to fall back to to be re-pumped. The other resivoir is a fish aquarium with a tile saw tray sitting on top. It too has holes drilled in it to allow pumped up water to return. I've got the seedlings to feed just once a day for an hour as rookwool holds the water well. The mothers are being dripped five times a day for an hour. Seedling PPM is 450 and mothers is 1080PPM. I also got my seeds in paper towels that I got yesterday. I can't wait to see these girls going. More pictures tomorrow!
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Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
Where did you get the seeds from and how long did it take? My last seeds I actually brought back from Amsterdam and I am about out.


Well-Known Member
Here they are....and got some more seeds in....look how stealth
You really should take those pics down ASAP. Why would you want to give away how they are sending you your order. So next time you make a order you will not get it because it was confiscated ??? Don't ruin it for everyone else.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
jiv, I don't suppose you had your beans mailed to the address where you ONCE were planning on growing them? :roll: