My New Set Up!


Well-Known Member
So here is my new grow room! I am so excited to see what kinda yields I will get. I am waiting on my seeds to get here. Should be any day. Growing 4 female Blackjack plants! If anyone has grow Black Jack let me know whats up!

Here is what I am running.

Soil = Bio Bizz All-Mix
Light= 400 watt Lumatek Digital Ballast 120v
Sunleaves Aurora reflector

G.E. MH Lamp for veg.

cant go without FOX FARM Trio ,
Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom in one complete package. A must have!

I also lined my room with White Poly to reflect light back to plants and reduce algae growth on walls. I am good to go!
For a small closet like this one I don't think i can do better! STOKED!



Well-Known Member
So, Just an update on my grow... Got my seeds from Attitude Seed Bank ... awesome , Highly recommend them, came in 7 days! Also germinated them that night all popped in 24 hours! 4 days later, all have sprouted, and look good. I have started my grow with 2-120 watt CFL Bulbs... just until they reach 2 weeks or so... I don't wanta burn them up with my 400 watt MH. Does anyone recommend the distance from the light to the plant when I do switch over? I was going to start the 400 wt MH about 2 feet away at first till the grow up a little. I want tight nodes with no stretching stems. I water them every other day. The CFL bulbs are about 1-2 inches off the plants. This is my first grow so any advice would always be a great help!



Well-Known Member
dont water every other day, stick your finger in the dirt , if its moist 3 inches deep your still good, after a while you can lift the pot to see if its heavy(still water) or light(needs water) no nutrients yet, i dont know if your mix has nutes in it but dont do it too soon, also those pots look smallish, keep in mind, good rule of thumb is 1gallon per foot of growth, 3 gallon pot will be good for a 3 ft plant, or 1 gallon per month you plan on keeping the plant alive, air movement with fans for circulation, but with a 400MH does not run as hot as a 400HPS, also you need air in that room, not for the sake of fresh air, but the plants need what little co2 come in with the fresh air, also to suck air out of the room will help control heat issues and humidity, believe me unless your in and out of there 20 times a day it wont get enough fresh air and that 400watter will make that room 120F, home depot has duct fans for cheap, they would be perfect for intake and/or extraction, good luck the room looks nice and clean, also when you do start feeding ignore what the label says, start no more than 1/4 strength


Well-Known Member
Hey Thanks a lot! My soil has no nutrients. I have the fox farm trio for that. I will def. start them at 1/4 strength. Sounds like a lot of people burn them with too much! dont want that happening... I started out with smaller pots just to sprout them and get them on their way. Nothing too big, I planned on transplanting them when I turn on the 400 Watt MH after about 10-12 days from sprouting. Should I do a 1 gal. and then go to a 3 gal.? or just go straight to 3 gal. from the small ones? The air flow is going down today... hitting up Home dept, I am setting up the new fan and installing the duct fans you talked about. I'll do 2- 6" fans with one Intake from the ground and another exhaust to remove hot air up top. Good call on the Duct fan! I just wont be able to close my closet door all the way, so gotta cut up some more poly to block the light escaping! That 400 MH is so bright! lol... Its in my bedroom so I had to poly all my windows too, from the outside it was obvious that I had a grow light. the poly works great! Now it looks like all the lights are off! perfect! My c02 ... i was going to put a few Jugs of sugar, water, and yeast in there, from what I read that seems to create enough c02 to work well. Thanks for the help Morris! Ill post some pictures after its all set up later today or tomorrow! STOKED!


Well-Known Member
This is day 7 after sprout. Looking good. Any thoughts? I have been watering them about every 3 days. 400 wt HP on 24/0 around 24" away from the plants. Temp stays around 78 -80 with fans blowing on them 27/7. I keep the closet door cracked open for good air flow. One more week and I am going to start feeding them Fox-Farms Grow Big at 1/4th strength! Give me your thoughts?



Well-Known Member
actually, I just have a small 12" oscillating fan blowing, with the door cracked open a little bit, it gets plenty of air flow and keeps the temps perfect. The lights a little bright at night while i'm sleeping but not enough to keep me awake. (Its as bright as a TV on) It only for a month or so during veg. I got the windows poly'd up good so it looks dark as night from the outside of the house. When I switch to 12/12 I wont need to worry. Ill light it up all day with the HPS and have it dark all night. Stoked!


Well-Known Member
So here is an update on my Black Jack Grow. On day 8 I back filled my soil and gave them a good watering. The next day in the morning they were obviously bigger! Seems to me since I started them in smaller pots , they seem to dry out faster. With the 400 wt. MH blasting on them 24/0 and the fan blowing 24/7 the temp. stays right between 78-84 Perfect. So I have been giving them about 200ml of water every 36 hours or so. The roots are starting to pop through the drain holes in the pots so I will be transplanting them into 3 gallon pots this weekend! I use organic BioBizz All Mix. Drains well and has lots of good stuff in it. I am going to start my FoxFarm Trio as well. 1/4th the recommended dose of course. The chart says to start out with the Big Bloom. So that what I will give them. My goal is to veg them till Oct 31. with 400 wt MH Light on 24/0 cycle. November 1 I will switch the bulb to a HPS and all the fun stuff begins with 12/12! So far today is Day 10. The plants look great! The first leaves have grown up past the cotyledons nice and green and the second node is looking nice and tight. No stretching so far! Hoping to get some nice bushy ladies. So thats my day 10 update. Feel free to hit me up with thoughts or advice!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Nice setup Wisdom, I can see why your excited. My first grow room was very similar. You can pull a nice yield from that, once you get it dialed in( 2-3 oz ) a month. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
So This weekend I transplanted the 4 girls into larger pots and gave them their first dose of FF Grow Big at 1/4th strength. I use distilled water on all of them. They seem to be growing good. The new 3 fingered leaves are starting to come up. They have lightened up a little in their color, lime green. Not sure why? There should be plenty of nitrogen in the soil on top of the fresh BioBizz AllMix I just put them in. Its not the light either... 400w MH should be good. The Temp is steady at about 83 with the fan blowing 24/7. Now that they are in fresh soil i hope they really take off!

