My new grow area


Well-Known Member
Well here is my new grow area big upgrade for me because I went from fish tank with foil to a closet shelf that never new I had and it's even conveniant but check it out...


Well-Known Member
Put those flouro's closer to your plant or you will have a major stretch problem you are lacking height as it is. Do you have an exhaust fan? You need air moving through your grow area also consider putting a small fan inside to blow air around the plants for strong stems and better growth. My main concern would be lack of head room. Ur not going to get much though with those lights and it is going to be difficult at best to control height during flowering.
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Yeh I have a fan in there I just didn't show the pic but yeh your right about the height. The lighting is just temp for now I am going to purchase what I saw at wal-mart, a 2ft long flouresent shop light set for two flor-bulbs. That is what I will use untill I invest in HID lighting....

Thanks for the input!