MY new cuttings

I got some cuttings the other day which were just cut they have wited a lot they were cut on sunday and its now thursday all the leaves are still nice and green how long should it be before i start to worrie or should i start to worrie now


Well-Known Member
Hi ya :)

What are you rooting them in ... do you have lights ...What process did you use ... Fill in a few blanks for us fella :)
Hi thanx for reply they r in rockwool cubes , i got a light lent to me but it seems weak it on has 2 x 11w bulbs so i decided to hang my 600w at about 4-5 ft away cause there out in a garage an can get cold the 600w seems to give it a bit of heat too, they are also in a Propagation house. am trying to upload some photos but carnt any sort of advice would help tho thanx


Active Member
That 600 is likley WAY too much light. If you have too much light your plants will try to continue veg growth instead of producing roots. I would go back to the 2 x 11w lights. Some strains are more difficult than others to clone. Most will go in 7 to 10 days but some will take longer.

What are the temps in your garage? If its too cold they will take forever to root.


Active Member
hehehe, Veg growth *IS* about producing roots.

Just keep the clones good and moist, many times they'll wilt and bounce back. I also mist mine twice/day with 1/4 str solution, they hardly ever yellow. Some can root in 3-4 days, others take 7-10 days.



A humidity tent will help with the wilting. Since they have little to no roots they need to keep the moisture high (to absorb the moisture through the leaves). Also mist the leaves and the medium 2-6 times a day until they take. Less times if you are using a tent. You will be able to see them take when any new growth appears at the top.


Well-Known Member
i used to use a 400mh about 3 ft away and it took about 10-14 days to just see root nubs... i switched to a single 2ft florecsent a couple inches away and saw root nubs on day 6.... switch back to the cfls... also cut any unnecessary leave matter that may be weighing the cutting down. i noticed cutting the fan leaves in half helped me....goood luck