My Malawi


Active Member
image.jpg This seedling came about by mistake,I rooted some clones in a propagator and never cleaned the soil out from before,one day I woke to find this little baby shooting out the soil lol. It's took me a wile to find where it came from and now I know it was a seed a friend gave me from some Malawi gold😜. I've neglected it really its just been in a Wooden box under 25 watt cfl. I didn't think it was going to survive but it's just soldiered on 👲I have topped twice and reported into this 1 ltr pot. I'm about to pot it into a 11 l pot and under a 600 hps in my proper setup in the next coming days. Do you think this will be ok to go from 25w cfl to 600 hps if I keep it at the right height? 👺🐸

i really wanted to call it a her but don't want to curse it lol note- this is missing its first 3 nodes due to pruning. 🌱-3 😳