My Lil Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
I guess this will be my first post in my grow journal. Where to start. I have planted seeds from bags I've gotten from the dispensary. So, I am hoping they will all be females. I germed some of them (paper towel method) don't think it's really necassary, and others I soaked in a glass of water then straight into the dirt. Well happy to say all sprouted and are doing well, very well I might add. I have one larger plant that I had started earlier, so it is a bit taller and bushier, but her sisters are catching right up, then I added three more seedlings maybe a few days apart. All are above ground and thriving if you will. Lights are fluorescents now, as I await my 400w MH system. I have a 400w HPS for flowering. One fan at the moment since I'm just using cfl's, will upgrade next week. I am gonna have to put some ventilation in very soon due to heat issues with the 400's. Will be needing help with that. 8 plants, 4x2x6 closet, super soil wonderbloom flower planting soil, fox farm big bud, and the GH line. And I guess that somes it up. Well folks, I have a pretty good idea what im doing, as I have done tons of research. But lets keep it growing and smoking to good times. I am here and ready to learn and develop. So, coaches and mentors, take me. lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Dozer. I'm doing my best. Things are looking and feeling good. I got the free nutes or additives at the local hydro store. Just kinda threw them in with the rest of the stuff I bought. I guess it was just because I spent a few bucks there. lol. But all is green in my world. Thanks for checkin in folks, and stay tuned for the ride. I am gonna go get some FF soil today, I am hearing good thangs of it. Gottta go be back soon. Chuuuuurch!


Well-Known Member
So, here are a few more pics of the set-up. I made a few slight adjustments, and used my little veg shelf thingy I have partially set up. I am gonna equip it with mylar and a small axial fan for exausting the warmer air. Just need to get the tools to cut the whole, my buddy has the tools I will need so soon enough it will be complete. Come by check things out, leave input or ideas or whatever. It is all welcome and appreciatied. Chuuuuurch!



Well-Known Member
Yes sir, this is my first solo grow. Thanks for the comps. I have been making changes and trying to get things just right. I think I am almost there. I think I have implemented a decent system to get my first grow going. What do you think Picasso? Got some decent nutes, soil, lights, and accessories, so Im feelin good about this. Kinda seems like things are going so slow. But I guess patience is a virtue. Come on folks comments and input is much needed and appreciated. Is nobody interested in my grow:cry::cry::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::-P


Well-Known Member
It looks like a great start. Keep adding pictures and people will come. We are suckers for pictures, lol. Any idea on strains?


Well-Known Member
Hey, do you guys think I should get more cfl's for the veg shelf? I actually ordered a 400 watt MH set-up the other day, am debating on putting that in the closet along with the 400 watt HPS?????? Or trying to get it in the veg shelf if heating isnt an issue in there. I am going to put an axial or comp fan in there to exhaust that hot air, but dont know if that will be enough with the 400w MH. What do you think? Just throwing some ideas trying to get feedback.


Well-Known Member
It is pretty much all seed from the med shop. I just have been saving seeds for a few months now and decided to plant some and see what happens. I know some is bubba kush, super skunk, and a purple strain, maybe GDP, or Mendo Purps. But to be honest I have all me seeds mixed up so there is no telling what I will have. I do have some feminised LA OG KUSH seeds I'm saving for when I get a good grow under my belt, and use those for mothers and clone that strain. That's it for now folks


Well-Known Member
It is pretty much all seed from the med shop. I just have been saving seeds for a few months now and decided to plant some and see what happens. I know some is bubba kush, super skunk, and a purple strain, maybe GDP, or Mendo Purps. But to be honest I have all me seeds mixed up so there is no telling what I will have. I do have some feminised LA OG KUSH seeds I'm saving for when I get a good grow under my belt, and use those for mothers and clone that strain. That's it for now folks
Nice variety.


Well-Known Member
Thank you my friend hope it turns out that way. Should be interesting watching all the different characteristics coming out as we get closer to harvest time. Gonna be exciting. Chuuuuurch!!


Well-Known Member
I think you will soon find out that the heat will be an issue. You will have too air cool those lights seperate from your 'fresh air' system. In general, you would need three times the space for flowering plants as you need for mothers and clones once you have sexed the plants and gotten rid of the males. Thanx for starting the journal and Picasso is right, keep the pictures coming, don't press for input? and keep it growing VV


Well-Known Member
IMO, I think I would be ok if I implement a intake and exhaust system. I am just not real clear on how I am gonna go about doin that. Simply because my flowering area is the closet. I mean I have room for it to be somewhere else, I just don't have the equipment and wouldn't know where to begin. I have a spare bedroom that I am using the closet as a flower room. And the bookshelf will be my veg box. Been trying to come up with an idea to use the room but haven't to this point. I'll post pics, and maybe one of you fellas can give me some ideas for the set up in that room. BRB with pics.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Plants are really looking good for a first grow. I had the same debate whether to add a second 400 watt system for veg. I ended up just going with a bunch of cfls like you have already. You'll need some more eventually, though. I just started with this setup and just have one 2 ft tall plant and 6 freshly cut clones in there. The clones don't need much light obviously but I found the bigger plant is not happy with less than four 26w cfls on it. So if you're vegging 3 plants, I would put 12 bulbs in there if they fit. Even if you don't have that many bulbs and the plants get stretched and stringy, you can take clones from them two weeks before you harvest your flowering plants. Then when your room with the hps and mh is empty you will have rooted clones ready. This will still save time over growing from seed but it would be better of course if you had enough cfls to put fully vegged plants into the flowering room. Just speaking from my experience so far it looks like you can get the same quality growth from the amount of cfls I mentioned as the MH I used before, it is just slower. But since you have 9 weeks for flower, they have plenty of time to veg in there.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I feel like there lookin pretty good to for my first grow. For sure. I think I can fit more cfl's in my veg shelf. I guess I will just have to configure it some how to fit. I mean with the existing set up as it is in the shelf veg box. I was thinking of keepin the closet for flowering, and putting the 400 MH in the bookshelf veg box, and just put a axial fan in it. Would that keep it cool enough. I originally was gonna use the cfl's for veg, and my HPS for flowering, but then I found a real cheap 400w MH, so I ordered it, and it was bout the same price I spent on the cfl's and fixtures, so I was gonna use the cfl's around the house on the few lamps I have without them, and just run the 400mh for veg, and the 400 hps for flower. Also thought of the cfl's for the seedling and clones. Who knows, I have the first time grower indecisiveness. Can you blame me. Thanks for the advice, I am rambling. Yeah, I like the idea of gettin the clones ready while the others are flowering. Save me a good chunk of time between harvests. Chuuuuurch!


Well-Known Member
I grow in a very small space with a 600W HPS. If you can keep the air outside the space cool, having a carbon filter and exhaust fan combination ducted through your lamp and the resulting hot air ducted out of the grow space will provide a number of benefits. For one, it will remove all smell from outside your grow space when the door is closed. :mrgreen: Also, it will create a negative pressure in the grow space, which makes plants happy. Finally, it will pull cool air from the room outside the grow space in to where the plants are, provided you placed the intake/filter inside the space.

take a look at my box in the thumbnails below. The white "can" is a carbon can filter. The metal box on top of it is a Vortex inline exhaust fan. I used insulated ducting(the kind with fiberglass inside, for hot air) because it's a LOT quieter when moving all that air around, regular ducting is LOUD!!!!.



Well-Known Member
Ok, that all makes sense and sounds good. But I dont have an air cooled hood. I have a different reflector. And do I have to put a hole in the wall? I was thinkin of puttin a hole in the wall in the top of the closet then putting an exhaust fan in that and using the cracks in the closet as a passive intake. Would that cool the room enough? With the door closed and the 400 crankin it gets about 90. And how much will those items you mentioned cost me? Would I have enough space in my 4x2 closet with that as well as a fan and my light and my 8 to 10 plants? I just wanna get it to where I dont have to check it constantly and the babies have a consistent environment. More details please. Chuuuuurch.


Well-Known Member
Hey D0z3r, how do you like those water farms? Would you recommend them? Or are they sub par? I have had my eye on those for while now, and really wanna try them, but I am looking at the 8 bucket system. But 275 is a pretty penny to waste, so insight please. Any experience with grow tents? Thinking of investing in one of those as well. And feedback would be great.