my lady bugs gone full retard???

alright RIU, back again for some more help :D
i found what I think is thrips. I would get some pictures but the camera I have available to me does not have a picture clear enough to see anything besides dirt.
they are tiny tiny little white guys, it takes a minute to notice them, but when you do they are in a gathering
when i mist the ladies, they start flying around then disappear.
so I got some lady bugs from the local pet n garden shop here, an let them out this morn (as my lights r on during the night and off during the day) it says to let them settle overnight, so that's kind of the night for the light schedule
so I been watchin em for a few hours now, and they are on the rim of the pots, just running in circles!
i get them and stick em in the soil, and they immediately run to the rim and continue their rounds.
occasionally they fly to the light, but it has a casing around it so they chill on the glass for a bit.
any help is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I have the exact same problem, Thrips and did the same thing about 6 days ago, Lady Bugs. They like water when they first come out of storage; I just watered prior to releasing them. Mine clustered around the rims and lights but by day 2 were rampaging all over my plants. I can't tell what effects they are having, but it does appear that they have cleaned at least 2 plants off so far. I hope they do the job or it will set me back at least 2 months as I would have to remove plants and clean my flower room. I am considering releasing another 1500 in a week if Thrips prosist. Good Luck to us both. My thread is, What are these? ,posted today.