My home made grow room


Active Member
hi guys,

right i have made a 3 chamber grow room within one chamber,

it has three levels that can all be removed and changed around, it is perfect for growing from seedling to bud, as the hight of the light is veriable,

surrounded with card painted white a 12inch fan and a 50 watt hps bulb,.

i have one issue,

most crops turn to hermi's,

some will half bud then turn and others just kick off as hermi's

any ideas why this could be, i have looked into light leaks into the box, it pitch black at night,

and i am too skint to set up a temp control system,

any ideas


Well-Known Member
They can develop little yellow bannanas which represent male sex glands,,,, pick these off is all you can do...

Cause:::::::::::: stress

too much or too little light
too much or too little nutes
too much or too little heat
bla bla bal

fix the light leaks
add some cfl bulbs
more air movement
timers or
leave the light on 24/7 in veg so you dont have to worry about night time temps...
If its hot at all use the afternoon as your dark time...
plan b4 you plant