My Hempy Bucket


Hey guys, i have a couple of plants to a decent size (and a couple more seedling stage) in a Hempy bucket.

Here is my running setup: (running x2 15W 6500K and x2 26W 6500K)

I am looking to top them all whenever necessary, but im not sure when to top them? Also, which would you think is the better way to top them (2 or 4 colas)?

Smaller one:

Larger one:

Basically directly modeled the bucket after:


Well-Known Member
Its a bit too early to think about topping. I know you want to keep things and short a possible probably, but if that is the case you should start with a clone and not a seedling. Seedlings must be grown for at least 2 months before they reach maturity and only then are they ready to be flowered with its max potential of vigor. Premature seedling put into 12 / 12 flower very slowly and they do not flower as robustly as they would if they were a mature clone. Anyway, before you do any topping to a plant it has to be growing very fast and have enough other leaf to support itself. If you top something too soon your asking the plant to become stunted and then it will grow very very weakly and slow. The only way to have really short plants is to start with clones, because when you have seedling they grow to be about two maybe three feet tall before they are even mature. And if you put a 3 foot sativa into flower from a hempy pot you need to expect a 9 foot tree by the time your done hahaha. Clones are the only way to go because I put myk Sativa clones in at 7 inches to 12/12 and by the time they harvest they are 21 inches tall. Light can penetrate all the way to the lower buds and the whole thing is solid hydro nugs. Lower braches with big fat buds because I strip my fans instead of lolly popping now. It makes my harvest bigger and it takes more time to trim the stipped plants but that is nothing to cry over. Especially when you have a power trimmer like I do.