My Growers Thread


so i was thinkin about growing in the 2012 season. This will be my first go and i am both nervous and excited. I dont know which one is more though. I have a wooded park in my area that i was thinking about growing in. The park has trails goin through about half of it and the rest is pretty much just wooded land. The wodded land is split into two sections. One being around 25 acres and the other being about 30 acres. I am going to scout it out soon and i hopt to find a densely brushed area with alot of pricker bushes. Somewhere that people would not like to go. Since this is my first grow i didnt want to spend a whole lot of money to buy seeds so i plan on just using bag seeds this time. Watering will not be a problem in my area. I may have to water only when it is really dry. For starting off the plant i am just going to germinate it using the paper towel method and just put the germinated seed into the ground. To protect the seedling i was going to cut out the bottom of a water bottle and put that on top. For protection against animals i will not be using chicken wire. Since it is a secure but not very secure grow site i dont want unnecassary attention toward my plants. I was going to shove some sticks into the ground around my crop then wrap fishing line around the sticks. I am jjust scared because i honestly dont want to go to jail over some plants. So say somebody stumbled upon my crop and called the cops. I know that they would come and destroy the plants but would they stake out the plot to find the grower. How can a guerilla grower get caught. Even while visiting my plots i will seem like they are not mine. I will also have my camera on me because i am an amature photographer. I will just say i am doing some wildlife photography. I will be visiting it once a week during is younger stage but not as much as it gets older. What do you guys think of this plan? any advice would be appreciated. Feel free to post storys of your new york outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
You cant worry about being caught ,just worry about thieves (including your growing partner), if your that worried dont leave any thing in the patch.When cops find most small/med patches they drop in by chopper harvest it then take it back up to the chopper and sometimes leave a card pinned to a tree saying "with compliments", Detective whatever.


but im saying say they found ten plants tops...prob not going to even do that many...would they ever stake it out and wait for me to visit


Well-Known Member
unless your grow is booby trapped or some kinda non-sense, most likely, police will just go in and take it. Hopefully your not carrying a pail of water up the hill to your plants as the police are taking them though lol. One thing I would mention is when you germinate seeds in paper towel at inside room temperature, then you stick that defenseless tap root outside in the cold hard ground, most likely it will not survive, I suggest filling some cups with some nice fluffy soil and sticking the germinating seed in there, If you could start them indoors for at least a couple weeks that would be even better. A lot of people dont bring plants outside until their well and established because mother nature can throw some wicked curve balls, slugs can wipe you out over night, frost, rabbits, and depending on where your at, all sorts of other nasty critters. I like to use slug bait and chicken wire.


unless your grow is booby trapped or some kinda non-sense, most likely, police will just go in and take it. Hopefully your not carrying a pail of water up the hill to your plants as the police are taking them though lol. One thing I would mention is when you germinate seeds in paper towel at inside room temperature, then you stick that defenseless tap root outside in the cold hard ground, most likely it will not survive, I suggest filling some cups with some nice fluffy soil and sticking the germinating seed in there, If you could start them indoors for at least a couple weeks that would be even better. A lot of people dont bring plants outside until their well and established because mother nature can throw some wicked curve balls, slugs can wipe you out over night, frost, rabbits, and depending on where your at, all sorts of other nasty critters. I like to use slug bait and chicken wire.
Would i fishing line fence be considered a booby trap...probubly not right. and there is no way i could keep it inside for a few weeks how about until it sprouts


Well-Known Member
some do very will with hidding there grows, most do not because they tell everyone . Do it alone and tell no one.Should start them inside and put them out when then aare a few weeks old. best bet is to dig holes and fill with a good soil, some place with a stream near by would be perfect


Well-Known Member
grow alone and never show anyone is the best bet, trust no one as any partnership will fall apart. best friend or not