My Grow


Here it goes.

One day I decided to grow my own weed. I will tell you how it worked out and share some photos with you. Won't this be a hoot?

I will get to loading photos and get back to you real soon.


Well it turns out I don't even know how to add to my thread. "NEWBIE" NEWBIE" NEWBIE"

Anyway, here's the door to the grow closet.

That's the flower box on the right side.


My Veg area is about 5 by 4. I have it covered in reflective insulation and used a closet door to access it. Inside I have 2 shop lights with grow tubes, humidifier, heater, fan and some other gear.
My first purchase was an Emily's Garden beginners set.

This is my first baby at around two weeks.


In the Flower box I have two 150 Watt CFL's, a shop light with two tru-gro tubes and a Glow Panel 45.

Here's my girl's a month later.

My grow times are probably really slow compared to pro grows, but I am learning a ton.


Here are some more pictures.
Current shot of two plants in the flower box. Yes, I have been clipping, drying and smoking leaves to keep the light penetrating. What can I say?


Thanks for the good word. I didn't plan to go this big so soon, but the space was just prime for it. I made an exhaust fan that pulls through some carbon filters and have a yeast bubbler in the flower box. I know I will need to do something better on where the exhaust goes and the CO2 levels, but, yeah, not bad for the first time. (If you don't count the one in my bedroom window that my mom found when it was sprouting and one plant in my dorm window that blew pollen all over and died during spring break.)


Here are some more pics.
These are my second round of plants. I sprouted some seeds from a bag of shitty Mexican commercial. Here's hoping that it was dirt due to the drying and shipping.

This is a shot of my weak looking clones. They came from the two plants that I moved into the flower box.

I haven't been able to sex the parent plants, but I'm hoping for girls but would probably still grow out the boys.

This is a shot of my ghetto style exhaust fan. It's blowing into a space between floor joists and could be extended over to the stack on the furnace.

Hoping to see hairs and no balls soon.



Active Member
are you misting those clones? I wouldn't do it more than once a day, just mist the inside of the dome the rest of the time.


Well-Known Member
ya those clones look over watered. Does your dome have vents? your smoking the clip leaves? wtf lol... dude do not grow them out if they have balls you will pollinate all your females and they will produce a shitload of seeds discard of all males! growing males just wastes your money in medium,nutes,space,time,... your not ready to breed yet if that's what your thinking... but on a better note for first setups i do like yours and unlike most starters at least u got a ended up getting a higher end light for flower i mean its not no hps but itll do the trick how many watts is it? and how many led bulbs?


Yeah, I have backed off on the spray. How much water do I want to keep in the tray? Do I let the leaves sit in the water, or clip them? THX


Clones are in fresh water with a little left over veg nutes. I need a prop mat, but for now I have a heat pad. I just want enough water to cover the bottom of the tray and just into the rock wool, right?
As for the males. What I would do is let them mature and pollinate one other girl to get some seed stock, but then I'd have pollen everywhere, so yeah no boys.
Smoking leaves - Yeah my best friend/connection ripped me off for the last time. The old lady is letting me be farmer green if I stay away from him. Like Neil says - Home grown with a little inscence, is alright for me.
The light - I have a 250 W HPS with a ballast, but I haven't wired it due to the current and $$$$$. I have the 45 light Glow Panel. It is supposed to be equivalent to 250 HPS at 25% of the juice. It draws about 12 watts. The first model drew 15 because it had a fan. I have 2 150 Watt CFL in there along with a shop light I run some times. (Standard Home Depot Grow Tubes.)

Thanks for the tips and conversation.


I made a trip to the supply store yesterday and purchased a bigger pump and new bottles of nutrients. I made another reservoir for the flowering box, so now I have four baskets available. I am realizing now that my set-up is taking way too much room for the amount of baskets it will hold. I think I will stay with this set up for now and see how it goes.
Here are the two plants before the new tub

Here's the new set up with a third plant..

I took about six clones off of these three...

That leaves me with two in veg.

So, now I just need to be patient. If anybody has any tips or comments go for it.
I'm not sure about my LED light. I've been reading all of the reviews I can find. It seems to be a mixed opinion. Is anyone else flowering with a Glow Panel 45?

This is the start of week two for the plants in flower. I think I see the start of a pollen sack, but they are just too small to tell. I suppose it varies greatly on how fast they show their sex. Time to be patient, I guess.

Well, now I'm over the bridge and through the woods to Grandma's house.


Am I a girl? Can anyone tell from this photo?

This is two plus weeks in flower. The structure seems different than past leaf growth.


Active Member
Might be a hermie. Did I read right earlier that you are clipping leaves, drying and smoking them?