My grow room is getting way too hot, I am thinking of splitting the room in half...


Well-Known Member
My room is getting way to hot. So I am thinking of sectioning off the room into 2 different rooms. So one half of the day the one rooms lights are on, then the next 12 hours the other. I am thinking that the temps might stay around the same all the time though, like when the lights go off on the one half, the temp may not drop very much at all due to the room right next to it coming on?

is this a problem?


Well-Known Member
What type of ventilation do you have? Its the winter you shouldnt be having heat issues now.
If you are having problems now I hate to hear whats going on in july.
yeah but you will have to curve your ducting in order to keep light from entering your dark side. And if your curving your ducting your losing some air flow, so its kinda the same situation. I would add more intakes.


yup, its all about air flow... gotta bring cool, fresh air in and expel the hot, smelly air out!
I had the same room would get to about 90 degrees...And I'm only using a 400w bulb! I got a Euro Hood 6 reflector from HTGSupply, constructed a carbon filter from home depot and pet store parts, put them inline with 2, 6" inline duct fans from HomeDepot...Works great, and the exhaust spits warm, fresh, odor free air into my bedroom...Will probably help offset heating costs this winter! I can explain how to make all this if you want, I'm of average mechanical skill, and I did it. It's pretty simple. EuroHood was 98$, fans were 16$ each, all the materials added up to around 60$. Much cheaper than going to a grow store and buying all this stuff.