My grow mix


New Member
So after some research I went to my local big box hardware store and bout a bunch of stuff. I got about 10 bags of topsoil. 3 bags of manure and compost. 1 big block of spagnum moss. 2 bags of perlite and a bag of vermiculite. A bag of limestone. and a 50 lb bag of sand. Would it be okay to just mix it all together? Or should i get other additives for it. It is going to be used for an indoor and outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
You need more aeration. People normally do 1/3 perlite or what ever it is they are using for aeration.

Where did you get the manure and compost bags? Are they brand name? Branded and commercial products are not the same as if you got some compost from your own pile and added manure.

The 1 block of spagnum- how many liters does that inflate to?

The sand- personally I say don't use it. It does provide a drainage to a soil mix but it has no CEC which coupled with no moisture retention makes it like a dead zone for microbes and fertilizer. There are far better alternatives to aerate and drain your soil.

As for the limestone, you'll have to look up the ratio of that to not go over the top.

You want more additives like different rock dusts, kelp, maybe some alf alfa meal etc.

Here are 2 links to 2 soil recipees that might help you get some perspective of what other people do and what you might incorporate into your mix:

(sorry you'll have to scroll and find them, but that's the pages they are on)


Well-Known Member
While he is right about sand - if it is playsand, greensand and lava sand do have nutrient and mineral value. If you are buying product right now, I would recommend expanded shale over perlite. Perlite will float out of the mix over time, expanded shale is just heavy enough that it will not.