my grow box project


Well-Known Member
has to be odorless
as quiet as possible
and stealth no outside things everything in the box

the box

okay here we go this will be my first grow.. i am planning this grow box out but obviously been a noob i really need all of your suggestions and help here is the box i am looking at...............

the box
^ the link

(trying to be able to purchase everything at local stores)

local target down the street


as for the lighting i need major help i have been reading up but still having trouble. i need to get together and entire lighting setup for the box. ive been looking on but i just really dont know exactly what im looking for. please help me out.




okay so i know clip on fans work and there easy so heres this ...................
cheap exhaust fan at home depot
and ill pick up a filter there too


exhaust fan


fan- $8
exhaust fan $10?
filter $10



so i know lowryder is easy and SMALL which i need but idk no much yield i was thinking about using another strain and then just use LST or SCROG techniques.

anybody have any suggestion on a certain strain that is fairly small has good size yield and i could just use LST or SCROG or stick to lowryder?

ill buy the seeds online
about $50


please i know i have alotta work and adjustment this is just the layout of what i wanna do i know i need to add stuff to this list and or change stuff please help me THANK YOU!
