My grow box is perfect except...


Active Member
My grow box is a hollowed out display case for like model cars and stuff. It's about 3 feet high, 3 feet wide, and about 2.5 feet deep. the light only takes about 4" inches off the top (430 watt son agro). I have a built in exhaust fan (a really good one. I'm wondering what type of yield I could expect to get from said box. I was thinking of growing my plants in 6" pots, is that practical if I were to just let them get 1 foot tall then hit em with 12/12 to induce flowering? I'm wondering how much more they will grow (I don't want them to hit the light, I don't want to be burned alive in my sleep =/). Please halp me out.


Well-Known Member
Haha funny comment im sure you wouldnt burn in your sleep if it were to get to the light. Im not so sure you have enough height. There are ways to keep a plant shorter but i dont know much about that as space isnt an issue. Plants can double and more in size after youve put them into flower. Also not to sure about 6" pots ive only ever used 12".


Active Member
Oh god, my grow box is starting to look desolate =(. I really thought that I could grow a bunch of 1 foot plants, kinda like a sea of green type of thing. Lame =/ well I could always take the lid off and add like another foot and a half of space, would that be suitable?


Well-Known Member
I dont know im not exactly a pro myself and ive never really had space issues. Id try growing a single plant or maybe two in there and judge it from that. I think if anything height will be a problem if you only have 2ft of grow space after putting in your light and pot