my girls are gettings bitten by bugs. HELP


I got 4 plants at about 3 weeks from seed and there growing healthy just today i notice alot of the lower leaves have white specs on the top/ these specs range in different sizes, and then i noticed little wiggling critters on the top of most of the leaves, they are less then a centimeter in size, doesnt look like they have wings, and are the color of brown.... I checked under the leaves and couldnt find them, there was alot so I took the time to smush each one under my finger and remove them. Went to go check my "grow bible" and another grow book and i couldnt find anything that reselmbed there bodies, the closest find I got was thrips. Please grass city do what you guys do best and give me some good info for my ganja girls.
PS THANKS TO ATTITUDE, SENSI SEEDS, and SERIOUS SEEDS for providing me with these pretty girls, everything looks great !!!