My Genius is finally paying off


Well-Known Member
So I started a business that has really been taking off and it's going so well i'm thinking of offering franchise opportunities


Well-Known Member
The club in grammas' basement you were talking about before?
The club is cool but to bring in money to fund it I started a legitimate business, it's called lucky dogs and we do dog walking and total release dog massage, the massage after the walk is what sets us apart from other dog walking services and what makes the dogs so happy, they love it and so do the dog owners.


Well-Known Member
Total release, what if my dogs fixed and I just want him walked? What if he chases his tail and instead of the frontal release I want to opt for a more intrusive gland release so he sprays out his ass to alleviate his ailment so he stops chasing his tail. Is that a viable option?


Well-Known Member
The club is cool but to bring in money to fund it I started a legitimate business, it's called lucky dogs and we do dog walking and total release dog massage, the massage after the walk is what sets us apart from other dog walking services and what makes the dogs so happy, they love it and so do the dog owners.
Red rocket! Red rocket!


Well-Known Member
You people are sick, you make it sound so nasty. The dog love it and so do their owners it's nothing bad like you sick people are trying to make it into, the dogs are calm and relaxed after they come to see me and they are better behaved.


New Member
Good for you beardo, make it how you can I say...Cudo's I have one question they have a cigarette after?:-P


Please define "total release." Otherwise, it still sounds like jerking off dogs... and owners too. I'm just sayin.. :p


Ursus marijanus
You people are sick, you make it sound so nasty. The dog love it and so do their owners it's nothing bad like you sick people are trying to make it into, the dogs are calm and relaxed after they come to see me and they are better behaved.
Be certain to be Hazmat compliant. Don't make the agencies <cough!> come to you. cn