My garden needs Rollitup style help!


Active Member
Good morning everyone,

First of all let me say thank you in advance for any help, because my garden needs it... :neutral:

My Setup:
Plants: 3-Blue Moonshine, 3-Chocolope (D-line), 1-Super Skunk, 1-Purple Lady. (All seeds ordered from Attitude) The other plants that you see in the pics are from some bagseed I started with to try to get the hang of things...
Lights: 1 x 600watt HPS on a mover for Flowering room, 1 x 400 watt MH for Veg room.
Soil: Pro-mix with 30%Perlite and 30% Vermiculite.
Water: Reverse Osmosis water, 1/2 gallon waterings in 3 gallon pots, judging my watering times by pot weight.
Nutes: Humboldt County organics, Grow-Bloom-Duece Deuce, with Hum-Honey added every watering.
Runoff PH: Checked runoff last Friday on all plants. PH = 6.8 on all.
Flowering Time: 3 weeks 4 days since I put them on 12/12, 2 weeks 5 days since 1st pistols popped.

Ok, there is my setup. My problem is that no matter what I seem to do, all my plants are yellowing and dying. I have been following the 9-week moderate feeding schedule recommended by Humboldt. Feeding every time I watered.

At first I thought that I burned them all, but now I am thinking that maybe they are lacking something. I should also tell you that they were perfect before I started flowering, all this yellowing and leaf death started about 1 week after 12/12.

Please help! :eyesmoke:



Active Member
looks like over fert dude, just use water for a week or two, and check that when u do use nutes that u mix them as
the bottle says


Well-Known Member
Hmmm things where fine then you went 12/12 and POW. Well I would say that is nute burn. I would flush like said above and just add 1/2 strength bloom nutes for a week and then move up, Slowly.


Active Member
Thanks for the info, I am glad to see it's not underferting.

As per what the bottle says, it's kinda vague. It just says to add 5-10 ml/gal. it really doesn't go into how often to nute.

On the Humboldt website though is where I found the feeding schedules. Every other grower I know in my area says to Nute every other watering no matter how often you water, but the nute schedule said to nute weekly. After using the nutes the way they say on their website for a while, I started thinking that it seemed like a lot of nutes. Adding 5ml/gal which is 1 teaspoon per gallon of the Grow nutes would turn my gallon of water almost black.

Any suggestions on how often to Nute?

BTW, here are some pictures of my Blue Moonshine buds after 2 weeks of popping pistols. Even with the nute burn do these seem to be up to par for their age?



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, I am glad to see it's not underferting.

As per what the bottle says, it's kinda vague. It just says to add 5-10 ml/gal. it really doesn't go into how often to nute.

On the Humboldt website though is where I found the feeding schedules. Every other grower I know in my area says to Nute every other watering no matter how often you water, but the nute schedule said to nute weekly. After using the nutes the way they say on their website for a while, I started thinking that it seemed like a lot of nutes. Adding 5ml/gal which is 1 teaspoon per gallon of the Grow nutes would turn my gallon of water almost black.

Any suggestions on how often to Nute?

BTW, here are some pictures of my Blue Moonshine buds after 2 weeks of popping pistols. Even with the nute burn do these seem to be up to par for their age?

go with every other watering when you feed... this will keep you from burning your plants again.. it will allow your girls to use almost all the nutes that are in the soil before you add more.. which helps with keeping salts down and helps keep a steady soil PH for you.. as far as HOW much to actually feed.. thats up to your plants.. if you start with 5ml per gallon with every other feeding and you start seeing signs of a deficiency then you know you should add a little more nute mix to your water... if they seem fine then continue on with the 5ml... its much easier to fix a def. than it is to fix over feeding...

different strains use nutes differently.. some LOVE nutes and some barely need any.. you just have to experiment a little and see what your girls like the best...

and yes.. your girls do look good.. should give you a good yield and some fat buds bro!!

hope this helped out bro


Active Member
Thanks for the info, I will definately follow your advice. Once again Rollitup to the rescue!!

Will update on my harvest if this day ever comes... seems like time goes backwards the closer you get to harvest. :roll:


Well-Known Member
im a few days away from my harvest.. and ill tell you the last 2 weeks are the longest 2 weeks of the entire process... it kills me waiting for my girls to be done... check out my youtube videos or my journal if you want to check them out... its actually a high output floro grow that can easily compare to many hps grows...