My Formal Journal!

My Box is 24"wx24"Dx42"H

Medium: Personal mix, top soil, potting soil, perlite

Lights: 12 x 23w cfl, soon to be 16 when i start flower

Ventilation: 10 inch diy exhaust fan, computer fan intake, one small desk fan for circulation

Nutes: 10-15-10 flowering nutes, starts with 12/12 really soon

Strain: Shiva and Bagseed

Techniques: failed fim, LST

they are 24/hr light right now, gettin ready to put them into flower any day now

Temp stays at about 77 and my humidity stays around 30%


Pics 1-4: Day 10 Veg

Pics 5-6: Day 12 Veg

Pics 7-10: Day 16 Veg + LST



fuck like none lol, almost everything is diy with stuff i had, i bought bulbs and a thermometer so like 25 bucks? lol
LOL!!! thats sweet... I have about $30 in veg lights, Y fixtures, and Power cords... I havn't even picked out soil yet... :-? money is my main issue!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks good dude I'll be watching.

I have like a $5 setup. Just got lights and y socket just running 2 lights n a fan in a extreamly tiy box lol.
thanks lol yeah it turned out i had a bunch of "T" sockets, still two bulbs but a T shape, so i just built a box and bought bulbs lol

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Like your setup, seems we sprouted near the same day, think mine are around day 19. I have a thread running on here as well. gonna keep an eye on your grow. I was a little worried about over/underwatering but mine seem to be exactly like yours. not much perk to them but healthy looking and growing fast. don't worry bout the replies, Ive got about 550 views and 18 replies, which like 9 or 10 of them are mine posting pics and such..... but anywho.. good luck with it all. subscribed.
Thanks, I subscribed to your thread, I will watch it, and yeah my plants look way happy, i will get off my ass and take pics in a lil bit
Wow these girls are just blowing up, tons of bud sites showing...


I Included some close ups of bud it possible they are pre -flowering? i doubt it cause they all look the same which would make them all the same sex, which would be crazy


1: Plant 1, The biggest and also the only one with nute burn...crazy

2: Plant 2, Lovin the new tops

3: plant 3, even more budsites!

4: Plant 4, Looking great

5: Plant 5, she is the runt but still looks good

6: Plant 6, big and bushy, smells more deisel-ly than the others, yup yup, they are starting to smell up the box :D

7-8: Zoomed out so you can see the mini forest, you can see my two smaller plants i want to experiment with, gonna see if i can lollipop bud them.. when i flower this shit is gonna blow the hell up

9-10: Undergrowth and thickening stem, looking great :D

11-14: Budsites! possible preflowers, possible wishful thinking



Looking very good man. Whats the outside ambient temps?
I ask because I am noticing that my 42watters really kick up the temps, but i added a few 26w'ers and it didn't even inch up a degree...
my ambient temp is always around 1-2 degrees cooler than my box, i like 23w for temps plus it just makes sense to me to have more smaller lights than less bigger lights when it comes to cfl's cause the only real issue is penetration and with 23's you can put them in more spots equaling more surface of the plant gets light


Well-Known Member
Looks a little dangerous having all your lights hung by masking tape... just saying
The plants look good though, just watch out for the tape coming un done and the lights falling on your plants

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Looks a little dangerous having all your lights hung by masking tape... just saying
The plants look good though, just watch out for the tape coming un done and the lights falling on your plants
i agree, when the tape heats up the sticky is gonna become tacky and may fall. if you wrap some duct tape around some of the masking tape and then staple the duct tape to the wood, youll be good to go. the staples will pull right through masking tape, but the duct tape will hold the staples if the sticky fails... cheap, easy and you probably already have the material laying around. Or maybe get some cleat sockets so you can screw them into the wood, theyre like $3 a piece. looking good!

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
they are held on by screws, the tape was for all the wiring and shit, trying to keep shit neat and out of the way
got ya! i bought a new T50 stapler from lowes for $15 and it had the wire stapler attachment, so you can staple wires without pinching them. just a thought if the tape starts getting messy.