My first purchase from any bank, my experiece with "The Single Seed Centre"...


Hey everyone, how's it going? I just wanted to take a few minutes of my time and let you all know of my experience with "The Single Seed Centre"... So I'll start from the beginning and hope I don't jabber too much and loose your interest. I have been reading about the autoflowering plants, and finally decided that I was ready to give it a try. So I started reading through some "High Time" magazines and reading of each of the different strains, and also seeing which banks actually advertised in their magazines (thinking if they did THEY WOULDNT be scams)... So after googling several different seed banks and reading everyones experiences ect; I limited down to "Attitude" and "The Single Seed Centre."... Mind you, i spend several hours researching this because I was 1)scared of being scammed 2)scared of the consequences... I went with "The Single Seed Centre"... Within the minute I ran my card for the purchase (yes my actual debit card) I recieved an email with a confirmation # from "The Single Seed Centre.." that was the first good sign. This was on the 7th of March (Friday)... That monday (10th) I got an email with my shipping confirmation and tracking #... So it was shipped on the 10th of March.. I checked the tracking and got NO info for a couple days, so I got nervous and emailed the supplier, within 12 hours I recieved an email back that confirmed that it was sent, so on and on.. Once my package stated it was in customs i got nervouse again when it stayed that way for a few days, so i contacted them again, and they confirmed that all was well and this was normal (i was still nervous)... long story short my package came in today (March 22).. So 14 days (counting weekends) and they were in my mail box. All seeds where in good shape, came with a little piece of the breeder pack, and i got 2 cool freebies. I made this thread because like I said, i was VERY skepticle about making this purchase and i know that I put many many many hours researching the different seed banks, it seems like every bank had one or two people dissing them, so it made it very tough. I can tell you that I am very happy with "The Single Seed Centre".. every aspect, EVERY aspect. Great company, and i would recommend to anyone. I havnt germed any of them yet so I cant comment on that, but I can tell you that Im in the U.S.A, and i got my order. Best of luck to you, im sure there are many good banks out there, but this is MY bank from now on. You guys have a good one, remember put down the beer and light up some smoke ;).. Ah and I got the stealth shipping, which on this site is 1/3 the price of the others... I cant say that the stealth packaging was of genious creation, but it worked.. Peace
Thanks for this helpful post. I am going through the same process here, ordering from The Single Seed Centre. The word around here is if you get nervous when your package is shipping, just smoke a J and you feel much better about it.

Also could I ask you (if your comfortable answering) where around the USA are you? Like west coast, east coast, central? Nothing too specific.
Haha, thanks.. yea they came to me fine... great customer service as well. im thinking about doing a journal with these ... not sure enough people would subscribe.
You will be just as or more impressed by attitude trust me they always have promotions and the deals are amazing

Maybe you're right but the problem is that they're constantly out of the single seeds and I don't really need 5 packs when ordering. I've ordered twice within the last month with WWS, the package was delivered in exactly 6 business days from the date of order. Good stuff.
i guess im just having shitty luck... i placed my order on the eighth of this month and have not received anything but emails...
i guess im just having shitty luck... i placed my order on the eighth of this month and have not received anything but emails...

chill smov, iv orderd from dr.chronic, hemp depot, the s. boutique , attitude & even bc buddpot (1ce) and rcvd beans! wif da longest waits from bcbd & hempdpt both a cple mos. best stealth but not da best genes were from bcbd, but iv had other dissapointments in that regard & hempdpt was a mix up, most have better del times w/them. fastest wuz da dr., good luck n doan worry -- P.S. iv never tried s.s.ctr. & s1mba pop da beans n giv a report already!