My First Plant

Hey guys I'm new here and really new to growing. Right now I haven't planted my seeds yet (i'm growing indoors). I'm waiting to get my last bit of money (I'm on a tight money budget) to get 2 100-watt CFL bulbs which I'll use in 2 desk lamps above my plants. I have tin foil all around this rectangular compartment where I'm keeping the plant for now, except for one side, which is a blanket to keep anybody from seeing in I guess. I bought some Scott's potting soil that is good with draining water. I have 2 trays with 4 spots in each totalling 8 seeds. I will then move them into bigger pots when it's time. I am currently working to get a PH tester, but don't have one yet (is this a big problem if I don't have a pH tester for the first few days?)

So, I was just wondering if this is a descent setup considering that I'm broke. Any tips would be great.

Also, how much should I water them throughout their growth? And when to change the light setttings (16/8, 12/12)?