MY first plant =]


Active Member
well i just planted 4 seeds, 3 days ago in normal cups without draining holes but so far ,so good,1 out 4 of them has popped out and is 1 inch tall,another has spouted ,but its so small,barely like 1/20th of an inch and is so small.

i used dirt from my front yard(my dads garden)

so far ts pretty fun to grow weed,I'm really into it =]

well my 1 inch plant has 2 leafs so far and tarting to grow 2 more stems =]

they have been growing by my window for 3 days only,should i continue with the window or get a cfl lamp now i have an 8oo lumen one,is that any good?

should i move to a bigger pot or a pot with holes in i so the water can get drained?

and also how much should i water them at such a small size,how can i tell if it has enough water ?

any other additional criticism would be good or any tips to plz


Well-Known Member
1. Growing on the window is "fine", but your yield will be small. Growing under CFLs will allow you to control how much light the plants get.
2. Yes, poke holes in the bottom of the cups. This will allow the excess water to drain out. You don't want a pool of water to accumulate at the bottom of the cup, that will root any roots in it.
3. Even though some disagree with me here, once my seeds have sprouted I water every day until I transplant my plants into a much larger pot. Very small pots/cups will dry out fast. You can tell how much water is enough by poking holes into the cups and allowing water to drain out of the bottom. Once roughly (my opinion) 5/10% of the cup size's volume in water has drained out than I stop watering.


Well-Known Member
Your really wasting your time till you get some cfls,they need a min of 7 hrs of direct light to grow.For 20 bucks you can get enough to atleast make it worth growing some decent smoke,get the daylight cfls i would get 2 42w cause b4 you spend alot of cash see if you are even gonna like growing cause its not for everyone.Ive gotten lights from friends that spent alot on HID lights and i bought em from them for little to nothing.Gl