My first NL scrog


Well-Known Member
Well this is my first scrog. I have a home made grow cabinet measuring 4X3X5.5 feet.
Veg Nutes-local hydro store brand A&B
Flower Nutes-Dutchmaster Gold A&B, Dutch Master Add 2.7 and General Organic Calmag.
Seedling light is a 100 W T5 but will be using 400MH for veg and 400HPS for flower.
I am using Promix BX as a medium. All water is PH to 6.3.

I am at day 15 since planting the seeds. I used the paper towel method and all 6 seeds germinated within 24 to 36 hours. So far everything is going alright but this morning I noticed the two first leafs tips getting really dry and some discolouration is present. I have no idea what it could be. Last time I went the first 3 weeks without any food, however I had the seedlings under the 400mh and didn't have this problem. Does anyone have any idea? I will try to update this every 3 days.



Weed Modifier
only the bottom leaf is showing this...probably from laying on the soil, at some point (maybe when you watered) or its been rubbing against side of of plant looks good...long as it don't progress to the rest of plant it will be fine, just allow soil to dry out before watering/feeding again to avoid over-watering.peace


Well-Known Member
Yeah so far its only the bottom leafs on two plants. I water about every 4 to 5 days, so its not to often. The leafs are not resting on the soil or the pot, they are about .5 inches above the soil. I will watch them over the next few days and see what happens. I am also planning on feeding them 1/4 strength nutes and putting them under 400mh light on Thursday.


Well-Known Member
Well today I had some time on my hands and decided to clean my grow box. I vacuumed the floor and wiped all surfaces with a wet rag. I had a plant with a couple male balls that popped last grow so I wanted to make sure that no polin is left in the box.

I am planning on transplanting tomorrow. I have some 5 month old pro mix bx in my garage but I will most likely pick up a new sac at the hydro store tomorrow with some 3 gallon pot. I would like to use the half sac I got in my garage but not sure if it has been contaminated by something since its been sitting there open for so long. Any thoughts anyone? Also one of the plants is starting to show some damage on the second set of leafs. I think it just needs to be transplanted and put under a real light.



Well-Known Member
Day 7 of veg(total 3 weeks since planting seeds)

Well I had some issues with the seedlings. In the second week the bottom leafs started to curl up and dry out, slowly but surely it started spreading up the plant. After doing some research I believe it was a K deficiency. I had a old open bag of pro mix sitting in my shed that I used for the seeds. Sodium can lock out K so who knows if somehow the soil was contaminated sitting in my shed for 5 months. Anyways I transplanted a couple of days ago and fed them with .7EC of A&B grow formula. They seems like they have recovered and the damage on the leafs doesn't seem to be spreading. Lesson learned from this is store your soil properly.

I also made a scrog in my box. Just used some 2X2 and 1 inch screws that will hold down my string. Total cost was 10 bucks. :) The 2X2 are 8 inches above the pots. I am also planning on topping them in a couple of days, I just want to make sure they get used to the soil before I stress the shit out of them. Now for some pics.P1020813.jpgP1020816.jpgP1020817.jpgP1020814.jpgP1020815.jpg


Well-Known Member
Day 13 Veg.

I topped the plants a few days ago. Some I did at the 3rd node and some at the 2nd(not counting the first set of leaves), I am curious if I am going to get 4 colas as per uncle bens topping technique. They have seemed to fully recover from the earlier leaf damage. I fed them today once again with .7 ec(350ppm), I will increase the nute strength next feeding. If you look closely enough you could just make out some nute burn on the tips, thats why I am sticking with 350ppm. Damn these 4 gallon pots hold water well. It took 8 days for the pots to get somewhat light. I am planning on doing some LST tonight. I got some 20 gauge steel wire from Walmart which I am going to use to pin the plants to one side so they get more light. Will post pic of the LST later.


Active Member
Looking good mate on my last scrog I pinned them down with plastic coated gardening wire kept speeding them out and topping them and a few days before I switched to 12/12 I pulled all the wires out so they lifted a bit to reach the screen I planned a 4 week veg but in the end i let them veg for 7 weeks


Well-Known Member
Day 30 from seed.

Not much to update, just doing some LST shit.
Night temp:64F, Day temp 70F.(I love winter) Looks like last feeding didn't produce any tip burn so for sure I am bumping up the food next watering.



Well-Known Member
Day 34 from seed. Today I watered the plants with 1Ec at 6.1 ph. They seen to be growing well and no problems from what I can see except the last pic. The plant is the smalles out of all of them and seems to be growing slow as shit. It also had cupped leaves facing down today. It looks to be over watered. I will let it get really dry prior to next watering. Any other thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Day 40 from seed. Nothing much to say. They seem to be getting bushier, no signs of deficiencies. I am going to put in the string sometime next week. Next watering will be in a couple days and once again I am going to bump the nutes up. I was thinking somewhere around 1.6EC. The small plant is doing well and the droppy leaves are fine now. Sometime the best solution is do nothing i guess :)


Well-Known Member
Day 52 from seed. Finally I got around to putting in the scrog string. I fed them a couple of days ago with 1.4EC grow nutes at 6.1ph. I am planning on going maybe one more week if that and then switching them to 12/12. I would like the screen to fill up a bit. I got the 400W light about 18 inches above the top of the plants and they seem to like it as far as I can tell.

No deficiencies that I can see. I spotted a little spot today but not to worried about it as it is only on one plant and its in the middle of it. Pic is down below. Anyways I will try to keep this updated pretty regular when the flip is made. Wonder how the cal.mag general organics and the dutchmasted gold version will hold up. Now for the pics



Well-Known Member
Day 58 from seed(4 day flower)

So I finally flipped them. The plants are starting to strech a bit. The mag deficiency is not spreading but a couple leaves have some rust spots. I mixed up a batch of epsom salt(1 teaspoon per liter) ph'd it to 6.1 and gave them a spray. I am also going to feed them some dutch master gold, add 2.7 and general organic cal/mag tomorrow. Not sure about the ratio yet but will post what I am going to end up feeding them the first week of flower. Damn I can't wait for these bitches show me some white hairs. :)



Well-Known Member
First feeding during flower was(based on 10liters)

12ml of general organic cal/mag
18ml of Dutchmaster gold flower A&B
21ml of Dutchmaster Add.27.

Total 1.9EC at 6.1ph. Will post some pics in a few days.

By the way is anyone following this or I am just creating work for myself for no reason.


Active Member
looking good, im using dutch master gold series. i tired using the foilage spray but it seemed to burn the leaves. have you used it at all or got any advice on using it, i was also told that the nutes are very strong and never to go by the dutch master nute calculator?? you found that at all??