my first hydro system grow... ever

so this is my first hydro grow, i am using 250 watt hps for lighting. I have 5 purple seeds that im sprouting but not sure if they are feminized... we'll see. The nuts i bought were B.C. growth, B.C. bloom and and the boost. im using a 4x4 closet so the space is good.I have gotten a ton of info off this site that has helped alot. any tips or help would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
Takes a while for any replies on here, so I'll break the ice so to speak :) good luck on your grow, I dont pretend to be an expert or a seasoned grower, but I'm here to help if you need any advice, its hard to find unless you have been on the forums since day 1 , or so I am thinking. Seems there is a stigma attatched to low post counts, but wtf we all gotta start somewhere hey?? anyway, peace out , WoW
haha. i hear that. so i started my seeds yesterday, i used nine and tonight four had sprouted good. so i moved them into little 2x2 inch pods and place them in my pete rock... seems things are starting out right i hope lol. any tip from there??

well for the most part, I built everything except for the necessities. and mine is setup for the drip system. After putting my sprouted seeds into their medium last night, I left the lights off overnight and this morning i hooked up the big lights but i am only running them 18 hours a day at a good heighth over my plants... prob more than 30 inches. seeds have started off great for the most part


Well-Known Member
My best advice is let nature take its course for the first few weeks, mist occasionally and water them sparingly . . . . after that its all good fun, watch out for your flowering space, if you veg too long you could end up with a monster . . .. . sounds good but when you have limeted space . . . . . .its a nightmare :S


New Member
A stagnant nutrient solution can become oxygen depleted. Using an air pump and an airstone can replenish the oxygen in the solution. Cannabis needs oxygen at its roots and that is why soil < hydro < aero. The relationship between these three growing methods is the amount of oxygen the roots receive.
ok so the journal begins... out of the 7 Purple seeds i began sprouting, 5 of them sprouted but i only decided to go with 4 lol. I transported them from the napkin to moistened rock whool cubes and spaced them out into a large bucket of pete rock with water in another bucket underneath with the pump placed in it. I left the lights off and im just waiting on them to pop up. How do yall think everything is goin?Input would be great. I need help with how to calculate chemcicals with water. the only thing i have bought is B.C. Growth.
three of the four seeds i transported into pods have sprouted out of the top of the pods. They still remain in the darkness and im lettin the cubes get down to abt 10% moisture before i remoisten. things are still goin good... any advice on what nutes to use besides the b.c. growth i already have would be great and when to start them??


so this is my first hydro grow, i am using 250 watt hps for lighting. I have 5 purple seeds that im sprouting but not sure if they are feminized... we'll see. The nuts i bought were B.C. growth, B.C. bloom and and the boost. im using a 4x4 closet so the space is good.I have gotten a ton of info off this site that has helped alot. any tips or help would be awesome.

What is going on with this forum, Suirebit did you gave up?!
Common people