My first grow!!

I bought the Agromax xl tent I have a big kahuna reflector carbon filter 600watt digital, have 3 floor fans 1 inline exhaust fan a dehumidifier and only 1 plant :(, however I started with 7 I lost 6 of them due to inexperience, thought they were ruined with mold, learned I an treat it before I threw the last one away, it is now 5 days into flowering after a very long veg stage (April 25th) till 5 days ago doing pretty good i think but I'm afraid I'm over watering, I water with nute rich water everyday about half gallon, from what I have read on some of theses post Is they say water 1 time a week?!? another rookie question I have is how important is it that I ph my water? I'm new to this page this is my 1st post I hope you experienced persons can help thank you very much!!! Love this page

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
Dont get on a set water schedule water as needed
To ph or not to ph depends on your growing method i dont EVER ph my water i know what my RO water ph is and i put amendments in my soil to buffer the ph
My soil ph is high I believe it is at 8 well that's as high as my meter goes, how should I decrease it? And thank you hell canyon for the advice

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
what kind of meter do you have I haven't found a soil ph meter thats worked yet I just ordered a blue lab soil ph pen for a bunch of $$$ and im not even counting on it to work time will tell

do you know for sure that your ph meter is calibrated
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Active Member
your doing good maine, water to the point where there is approx 10% run off and then watch your lady to when she begins to droop then water again... as you go through the flowering period the amount that she will drink will change...

just watch and let her tell you when she needs a drink...
what kind of meter do you have I havem found a soil ph meter thats worked yet I just ordered a blue lab soil ph pen for a bunch of $$$ and im not even counting on it to work time will tell

do you know for sure that your ph meter is calibrated
I bought my ph meter at lowes for 15 bucks probably shouldn't have? Lol I use an all natural surf and turf compost from a local farm
your doing good maine, water to the point where there is approx 10% run off and then watch your lady to when she begins to droop then water again... as you go through the flowering period the amount that she will drink will change...

just watch and let her tell you when she needs a drink...
Awesome thank you very helpful and thanks I'm trying its a lot harder than I thought it was going to be but I completely love it!! Want to make it my career lol
your doing good maine, water to the point where there is approx 10% run off and then watch your lady to when she begins to droop then water again... as you go through the flowering period the amount that she will drink will change...

just watch and let her tell you when she needs a drink...
What do you mean by run off? Just trying to fully understand sorry

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
double check that its reading right test your lawn your plant compare it to another tester use test fluid but make dam sure you dont mess somthing up over a $15 hardware store tester


Well-Known Member
Sup Maine! If your ph run off is high you can top dress lightly with lime. Also as far as watering goes you really need to listen to the plant. The container looks large otherwise I'd suggest a full watering then feel how heavy it is.. Let it drink all the water till it appears to droop a bit and feel how heavy that pot is. It will give you the ability to slightly lift the pot and tell if it needs water. This us helpful because through it's life it will need a different amount of water, this is why a set schedule isn't the best possible route. Best of luck man, have fun and read up RIU is great once you get past the trolls and pissing contests!
Sup Maine! If your ph run off is high you can top dress lightly with lime. Also as far as watering goes you really need to listen to the plant. The container looks large otherwise I'd suggest a full watering then feel how heavy it is.. Let it drink all the water till it appears to droop a bit and feel how heavy that pot is. It will give you the ability to slightly lift the pot and tell if it needs water. This us helpful because through it's life it will need a different amount of water, this is why a set schedule isn't the best possible route. Best of luck man, have fun and read up RIU is great once you get past the trolls and pissing contests!
The advice is very helpful thank you an I will wait till it starts to droop a little I just watered last night I will post a pic Around 9 eastern time to show you guys the leaves to see if it's overwatering or another problem thanks for al the help!!


Well-Known Member
Just get a PPM/ PH pen , Sleazebay has them for under $15 .
Check the feed solution ( PH and ppm ) before adding and check it as it run off or runs out bottom to see the range of your feed and the PH . You can catch runoff in a bowl and dip pen in the runoff - Super Easy. It's not hard. Never checking or knowing what the water PH is from the start is asking for trouble. NOT ALL RO WATER IS THE SAME EITHER.
Sometimes the RO filtering will require CALMAG to supplement what has been stripped out thru filtering. If using tap , you STILL need to see what your waters baseline is.

If your water is off from the beginning , it may go way off with all the supplements you add to it. Although some nute lines actually BUFFER it to the appropriate levels ... You still gotta know ! :wall:

Watering EVERYDAY ( with or without nutes ) is too much. Water only as needed.
She will tell you. When you enter flowering it will will need a different feed requirement as nitrogen is lowered and PK raised. I would wait til dry and add water only to cut the nute buildup THEN start her bloom feed at 1/2 and at every OTHER watering. ( It could be feed once a week , not a problem. ) this is the time NOT to fuck up.

She will need at least a week to hormonally transition to flowering , so you can save face and begin a better feed - water schedule.

:fire: I approve this message :fire:
That is a lot of very helpful info thanks!! Gunna start ph testing water and all before using it, another thing I use neem oil as preventive maintenance I spray it everyday once a day what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
If you suspect pest issues , then use it ( as directed ) not all the way thru.
If no bugs , just let the plant grow without bombarding her with substances.

You might want to prune a bit , though.


Active Member
don't worry of the pruning less of course you wish too... keep it simple and get your girl to harvest with the least stress...

on your next run try more techniques if you wish to see what benefits come of it.....