My First Grow


Active Member
Well, i planted a seed im my mom's flower pot a week and a half ago from a nice couple grams i tried :joint: :mrgreen: . It sprouted up without anything but the sun shinning through the window, and a little tap water that i added every night. I have since then transplanted it 3 times!! yet it is still growing nicely. I will have pics soon. please comment


Active Member
It is currently in a gallon pot full of scotts growing soil, and next to a window getting 11 hours of sunlight and when the sun goes down i put it under my 100watt light for another 5 hours. I water it once a day. any suggestions??? btw i told my mom it was a texas star hibiscus plant that my teacher gave me a seed of. lol so i can't do anything drastic!


Active Member
hey this is my first grow my plants 6 days old i put it on the 18/6 lightings seems to be doing fine i have 2 14 watt cfls and a 30 watt cfl putting out 260 watts growing in soil.


Well-Known Member
I hate to have to ask the obvious question. DO you really think you can fool your mommy long enough to accomplish anything with this plant? What are you going to do if its a male? How old are you?????