My First Grow

So 1-20-12 I decided to start 2 seeds of fraggle rock. on 1-21-12 I added 2 more to the germ. To germ them I used mineral water and a shot glass. Placed them in a very dark room, covering them with a few black t-shirts I had. 1-22-12 I placed them in a plastic cup with 4 holes poked in bottom, now I had prepped the soil same night I started germing. By prepping I mean placing 4 holes in bottom, then soil, then completely wetting soil till a little ran out the bottom. I let the cup sit till I was ready to use. I had a blue 1 gallon bucket I placed the cups in with the seeds. Now I know I placed the cracked portion of the seed bottom in the soil correctly. I used tweezers to handle them. I then saran wrapped the top taping the sides down, creating a covered flat with plenty of room for stalks to grow. I then placed a 45 watt cfl desk lamp over the plants touching the saran wrap. Safe due to not enough heat burn the plastic( I promise a picture of this and the plants as soon as i get them loaded to lappy.) Anyways 1-23 on a whim i decided to check my little plants, low and behold good thing. 1 seed decided to show its roots, in this I mean it circled around the seed top (yes placed correctly in ground as explained earlier), and proceed to poke itself towards the light. After carefully digging the tap root from the soil, I was shocked, the tap root was a whopping 4 inches long, none of the taps were showing when i had placed them in soil, only shell had cracked. So on another whim, I checked my 3 other darlings. 2 others had done the same thing as the previous, only 1 decided to grow up correctly. All showed long taps though.
Having grown several things before I have no explanation of why they done so, except ....... I believe the mother plant must have passed on a chit pot full of thc (I know she did me a few months back) into these little guys and they got a bad case of chinese eyes, disorientated, decided to poke their head up for fresh air.
Anyways here I sit 1-24 with 3 plants, magically the 3 I had to mess with, poking their little stems and tiny leafs about an inch above the soil. One even decided to grow a bit sideways, am not completely sure wtf these plants are thinking one thing is for sure, they certainly are keeping me entertained as they try to grow at the moment.
Th fourth plant is coming along at a much slower rate oddly. Its cracked its seed, and even shed it, but it certainly is not as tall as rest.
When I replaced the 3 back in soil I did make sure to get the tap all the way back into soil, I used a pencil and placed the top of the seed 1/4 inch from top of soil, just as I had when planted.
I am a little concerned with baby 4. It appears very weak, and white. At this point, I am not going to shed any tears if it is a loss, this is just a test while I await my shed. I have a 12x12x16 high coming. It has air conditioning heat and electrical preinstalled. I ordered it with a glass roof panel, and insulated.


O.k so now the saran wrap is off, all pods are shed, and even the one I was a little concerned of is turning a dark green. I measured plants and plant #1 towers the rest at a whooping 4 inches since he popped from soil today. Rest are fairly shorter, #4 being the shortest. I am sure it will catch up.Anyways at this point, I been debating my grow box, I have decided on one that will roll up and down wall and basically adjust its height on a roller track... Let me explain I plan on designing a box 4 ft high, 2 ft wide (may just make it 4 ft as well) and 4 ft tall. This will serve as my top, it will house a few fans and 2 t-8, or t-12 light housings. The bottom will be able to move allowing adjustment from 4 ft to 8 ft as needed. There will be a center divider, (vertically obviously), and a few lights, (most likely 75 watt cfl's) ,placed on the lower area. These lights will provide lighting for the stalks/stems and lower leaves. I will be running timers to control lighting, painting everything flat white in the structure. nothing but plants will be inside the structure. Now the cabinet will open from the lower box, which will have 2 swing doors. To secure everything, and follow the rules state requires locked facility, I will place several locks upon it as well. Now at this time I ask for you all to provide thoughts on this setup. Fortunately I have a few weeks before I move them to this setup as my shed will be here then.