My First Grow


I started this grow about 3 weeks ago just thought id put up some of the progress i made with it and see what knowledge i could get out of everyone.

Nov 19 2011 - VID00014_5.jpgNov 19 2011 - VID00014_3.jpgNov 19 2011 - VID00014_4.jpgNov 19 2011 - VID00014_2.jpglittle baby recovering.jpg

It grew a lot when it first sprouted and then it just kind of stopped growing upwards for the last week and a half. It did go through a lot of stress when i was about a week and a half old.

I started of in equal parts mg organics and mg moisture control. needless to say the little thing got pretty scorched so i moved it over to some completely organic stuff from home depot (didnt have quite enough this round for fox farm). also this stuff seems to compact down every time i water it unfortunately. theyve been fed ff grow big once at quarter strength seedling dose.

The very first set of serated leaves have been really yellow for a week and a half or so. also the second set turned really purple at one point but i think thats because it was really cold. it is back to normal for the most part.

Just checked my ph the other day after i watered and it was extremely high (8.4). i added some lemon juice and vinegar to my water to try to bring it down a bit but i dont have any more ph strips so i cant be sure. it did look really shitty at one point but i think it is starting to bounce back.

The veins and stem seem to change colors a lot btw. they go from green to purple to red from time to time. its been that way since it sprouted. idk what its deal is :confused: the inside near the main stem has been filling up with new little leaves for a while now and is looking really bushy (sorry the pics aren't very good or you could really see. one last thing, it was topped yesterday and i will be attempting to do a scrog, among other training stuffs.


Well-Known Member
ok...its the PH of your soil, not your water that you should be concerned with...never use "moisture control" soils as they just hold water and rot out marijuana root a bag of perlite and mix that up in any potting soil you want to use and it will be fine...don't water it as much as you have been...only water it when the top starts getting crusty dry...and only water as much as you need to, when using soil like MG when you overwater it prematurely breaks up the time released nutrients burning the back off on your water and you should be fine ;)


yeah i figured that the miracle grow stuff would break up faster if i watered more often but it has since been replaced by some new type of soil that didnt have any fertilizer and perlite. the soil is pretty sandy and tends to hold moisture at the top for about four days then it starts to get pretty crusty. i lsted it today and will get pics up soon. it responded pretty nicely.


Nov 28 2011 - VID00021_1v2.jpg

i tried to kind of point out where my new tops were forming but my camera is kind of shitty. the arrows show i think five tops in the pic but there are three more out of frame. the original top that was topped grew out another node in the last two days so i adjusted my tiedowns on the next node. i also tied down a couple of the new tops that were getting really big. it is growing like a weed :mrgreen::roll:

ps. the entire thing is only about 6 inches in diameter:lol:
still have a whooooole lot of pot space to work with.

pps. pardon the pun up there----^


sorry i know it isnt a video but my camera was being shitty so i just did a pic instead. i may just be incompetent with electronics. not necessarily the cameras fault. im a ramblin man.


light fix.jpg

the big middle bulb is going to be this

the corner bulbs will be these

the whole thing will be in one of those disposable metal pans to cook lasagna and stuff in. it will be given several layers of poster board on top for some support. it will have holes above the lights to vent hot air away. the whole thing will be one foot by one foot and i might use two if i fill my scrog up all the way.

so whatya think/ good setup?