My First grow


Active Member
Hi let me start off by saying thank you, to all of you who take the time out of your day to help newbie growers like myself. I am 1 month into my grow, but i have had a few set backs, ph probs and waited to get a ppm meter but now that im on track i wanted to show what you have helped me grow. The ph stays around 5.6, ppm is at 700 i have 4- 13w staight cfl floodlight 2 -100w spriral cfls will put them under 400 watt hps for flowering one plant is 3" and on its 5th set of leafs the other is 4" and also on its 5th set as well. Please any comments or feedback would be great as i said this is myfirst solo grow and have had very little hands on growing B4 thanks



Well-Known Member
they look stunted and have som deficiencies going on... not sure what locked out what but i would grab any cheap veg nutes and give it some nitrogen. Ive never used hydropellets like that before... not sure... Looks good there alive and growing just tweek and fine tune.. at 8 inches or 5-6th node id throw it into flowering no sense keeping it locked up


Active Member
your right on the lock out at one time ph was 6.7 and i had hell keeping then alive I would love to take them into flower but they are only 3-4 inches tall