My first grow; week 6 into flowering

Hey guys,

First time lady grower here... got some 'UK Cheese' seeds from a medicinal store, vegged them, then cloned those (for space management) and flowered the clones.

I'm using a 150w HPS and an old Aerogarden light hood propped up against the wall in the back. They're growing in a 6 gallon 'Garden of Eden' water chamber (with a pump and two airstones).

Given that it's my first grow, and my limited lighting.. do they look fairly OK?

Like I said in the subject line, they're on week 6 of flowering. I'm going on a trip during week 8, which sucks, so I have no choice but to wait until the beginning of week 9 to harvest.



Well-Known Member
They are looking excellent Hun !!
I love the name, Chronald Mcdonald !!
That's Classic !!
Week 9 should be fine !!
We need Smell-O-Vision !!
Cheers !!


Well-Known Member
You could always try to build yourself a carbon filter.
There are alot of threads on DIY Carbon Filters here on Roll-It-Up..
Very inexpensive to make and very effective in serving the purpose of eliminating the smell.
I would highly reccomend alteast giving it a try.. There is nothing to loose, but the smell, right !!