my first grow turned into a jungle


Active Member
hello everyone this is gonna be brief as this is my first post and im not sure if im doing it right ill get more into detail as soon as i figure this out as u can tell im rather new but have followed a few of your grows with keen interest so these are my plants they were planted 2 days after valetines day there are 14 survivers past germanition do they look ok for a month and a half



Active Member
all right it seems im not to stoned to figure this out we will skip to the present for a second and these pics were taken today (hence the jungle)
there are 8 females out of 14 only 7 in the pics they have been flowering
for about 3 1/2 to 4 weeks cant remember excact day :blsmoke:will they stop growing verticaly i will give a more detailed account from beginning to present when i wake up



Active Member
all right for starters my room was built in the attic. i built the room 9' long,8' wide and 7' high. my door is centeredon the 8' side so that gives me a little over 2 1/2 feet on either side for my trays and about 3 feet in the middle for my walkway. side one is just a huge box built into the wall and lined with rubber roofing. its built with about a 4 degree slope to allow drainage. when my pump kicks on it floods the table starting at the opposite end so it fills kinda evenly and drains at the other end (please keep in mind this was all built over time and on a tight budget some things are getting upgraded when money allows alot of my stuff is rigged to work until my room is fullly complete) i started the seeds off in 4 inch rockwool cubes and transplanted them into the rock when roots started showing my lights for vegging were 2 shoplights 160watts total going down the middle and 6 -65 watt cfl security lights going down the sides (3 on each side) they started getting to tall and so i finally bought 3-400 hps systems(who said growing was cheap) which are in use now. as for my resovoir it holds about 40 gallons which i change every two weeks . i use the technaflora recipe for success starterkit nad here are some pics

