My first grow skunk clone

Right now she's approximately a foot tall looking healthy only concern Is red streaks in some of the old stems and lower stalk. I've been adding bat guano high in N when watering so maybe a phosphorus deficiency? The lights are fluorescent 6800k natural daylight bulbs just moved her into a 14" square pot to maximize root growth the soil I used is cactus and citrus fruit soil from Walmart when I check the Ph it shows 7.5 maybe too high? Anyway looking for any useful tips!



Well-Known Member
ph is a lil high. Some strains stems turn red. if the rest of the plant looks healthy, which they do, you should be ok. Are you using any full range nutes with NP and K. Also you could trim the bottom couple little branches. They won't really amount to anything and take energy from the plant
I haven't used the full range yet other than the nutes that were in the soil I have 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer but i have been holding off on it and just using the guano which is 10-0-0. And thanks I'll trim them today I topped her a couple days ago and new shoots came out fast


Well-Known Member
go ahead and start your 10 10 10 at half strength just to be safe. Im sure she's big enough to take full strength but doesn't hurt to start slow. Do you have a ph tester? For soil or water? Adding nutes should drop the ph into a good range
Yea I have a soil Ph tester that shows moisture and light intensity also. I don't have one for water yet but I let my water sit for a day or two before adding to the soil


Well-Known Member
cool, you just need one or the other. Add those nutes until a little drains out the bottom keep an eye on the ph to get it a little under 7. if its still a little high and u don't have a ph down, a couple drops of lemon juice will do the trick. The organic ph down they sell in the store is just citric acid anyway


Well-Known Member
hard to say. I'd try first going with the other one and if that turns out well then give it a little guano. When do you plan on switching to flower, remember that the plant will double in size when switched


Well-Known Member
You can start it whenever you like as long as you have enough room for it to do its thing, if you're using HIDs then you need to account for another foot or two of space between the light and the plant. And they're def ready to get some nutes. looks good otherwise


Well-Known Member
hey brah, i was thinking. If you are only doing one plant you should make it a big one. Look into LSTing or low stress training. basically it is tying her down so the lower branches get more light and become big colas themselves. I remember you saying you topped it so thats a start. Kind of high stress training if you will. but if you pull back the branches and tie it down you'll greatly increase your yield. Check out the link. And how bout hooking a brother up with some rep. (its the star below your avatar)


Well-Known Member
definately liked the strength of the nutes. You can bump it up a little next time. I would water once or twice between feedings. Depends how quickly your soil dries. Looking good though. keep an eye on the new growth. looks a little pale green. If its not quickly turning dark green like the rest you can maybe give her a little of that guano.
I only used half the dose suggested and didnt notice any burnt tips so ill def add a little more next time I'm gonna water her with some guano tomorrow that video was cool 3x the yield is worth doing for sure especially with only one plant as of now she's growing fairly quick too standing at 14 inches now