My First Grow - Seedling Probs

Hey all,

This is my first post, welcome all you pros.

I am 2 weeks into my first grow and i am having a few problems. I am growing the following:

1. Himalaya Gold
2. El Nino
3. Cheese
4. Unkown Seed

My environment is:

Day Temp 22 to 26 deg
Nite Temp 18 to 22 deg
Day Humidity 60 to 70%
Nite Humidity 50 to 60%

Grow Media Cana Coco.

Basically have got them in a grow tent and have only been feeding with water evey other day.

Started nutes a couple of days ago only very lightly since i was worried that the tap water may not have had enough nutes.

My light at current is two 55w flouescount tubes.

The two oldest seedlings (2weeks old) have statred to get yelow leaves with white tips and are folding underneath like ram horns.

I did start with 1 tube and then added the second, which i think may have caused the problem.

After reading many posts i have come to the conclusion that it is heat stress, so today i have removed a light and the temps usually now are a 3-4 deg cooler (23 deg)

I would just like some of you pros to take a look at the pics to see what you think



Sorry forgot to mention 1 thing.

The PH of my water was 8 on checking and my first nute feed was 7.4.

Since then i have used a PH corrector and now my nutes are PH 5.8 with and EC of 0.95.

I have only feed once with the correct PH, so not sure if this would have caused the problem.



Active Member
Those plants are way to young to feed with nutes. Wait till after the second week and start with a 1/4 strength and work your way to full. 1/4 1/2 3/4 full.
Well i'm a little confused, you say your temps are 18-26 degrees? that is way to cold. the ph should be between 6.5 and 7 in soil prefferably in the 6 range. Tap water does not have nutes in it, it does however have chlorine and other shit. if you use tap water let it sit uncovered for 24 hours before you use it to dissipate the chlorine and other stuff. How much ferts and whats the 3 numbers on it? you may have over fertilized it. never start out with full strength especially on seedlings.
Well i'm a little confused, you say your temps are 18-26 degrees? that is way to cold. the ph should be between 5.5 and 6.8 prefferably in the 6 range. Tap water does not have nutes in it, it does however have chlorine and other shit. if you use tap water let it sit uncovered for 24 hours before you use it to dissipate the chlorine and other stuff. How much ferts and whats the 3 numbers on it? you may have over fertilized it. never start out with full strength especially on seedlings.
Ok i just realized you meant celsius on the temps :lol:
Thanks for the responses guys.

In anwswer to the first question i have feed nutes as i was worried that since the canna coco has none, that they may need a little kick start. Is this a bad thing?

In answer to the second post.

My temp is now at 23 deg and it does fluctuate a litte it may drop to 18 - 20 for a few mins when the vent fan kick in. I have set it only to come 15min every 3hrs to change the air in the grow tent.

The nutes i am using are the cana coco range. I have mixed 15ml of Canna Coco A & B, and 30ml of Rhizotonic to 10 ltr of water.

If you need me to tell you anymore info, no probs.

So could this be a mixture of nute burn and heat stress?
Thanks for the responses guys.

In anwswer to the first question i have feed nutes as i was worried that since the canna coco has none, that they may need a little kick start. Is this a bad thing?

In answer to the second post.

My temp is now at 23 deg and it does fluctuate a litte it may drop to 18 - 20 for a few mins when the vent fan kick in. I have set it only to come 15min every 3hrs to change the air in the grow tent.

The nutes i am using are the cana coco range. I have mixed 15ml of Canna Coco A & B, and 30ml of Rhizotonic to 10 ltr of water.

If you need me to tell you anymore info, no probs.

So could this be a mixture of nute burn and heat stress?

I don't think it's heat stress, flouro's don't produce enough heat, you could have them touching the plant and it wouldn't burn them from the heat. if your temp is 23C then it's 73 F. anything over 80-85F is getting a little hot especially with not adequate airflow. i think it may be nute burn. when your plants get hot the ridges on the fingers start to ripple when their transpiring ( sorry bad spelling). they can also develop little burn holes on the leaves and look crispy if they get burned.
In my closet i had 6 40w 4 foot flouros practicaly touching my plants and they grew like a charm. I didn't fert until 3 weeks from sprouting, when they showed signs of N def. The leaf tips and the outside will start to turn yellow from the outside in when their N deficient. If you fertilized them full strength especially more than once this early it's probably to much nutes. if thats the case flush and wait and see.


Active Member
nope it not a bad thing give them a good flush and wait another week to start at 1/4 strength. Good luck
During veg you want a high Nitrogen and when you flower you want high Phos and low Nitrogen. You want something like 20-20-20 in veg or 17-17-17. I occ use 5-1-1 fish emulsion to get other nutrients like iron, mag, etc... it stinks realy bad but the smell goes away from the soil after about a day. everyone says use only for outdoor plants but mine are indoors and they don't stink my house up at all ( my plants aren't in my living room or anything) the grow room doesn't even smell bad after a day.
Thanks for the responses guys.

Thinking about it though not to sure it could be the nutes. The reason i started the nutes is because the leaves started to yellow and curl, so i thought they needed feeding. So i started a light nute mix. Since then (the day after the nutes) i also added the second light and it got worse. Thats why i put it down to heat stress. All four plants in my pics had the same feed. The seedling that looks the most curled is about 1.5 week older than the other 3.