My first Grow room w/h VIDEO


Active Member
i recently made my first grow room ( about 2 weeks ago) and ive decided to share it with you guys..

So.. this is it..
i now have 4 CFL and a little PC fan for ventilation
So far.. it have spended about... 30-40 dollars
Oh shit.. i just realized HTML code is OFF i wanted to paste the video directly here but i guess you'll have to click on the linkYouTube - My rooftop/indoor grow room

I still cant find my camera so i used my cellphone camera.. :roll:

What do you think!( beside my shity quality/video) :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to say cause of the quality. How many watts are your CFLs? Spending only 30-40 bucks is good but you're missing some stuff that would be nice to have. But bud doesn't need perfect conditions, it grows in the great outdoors fine.

That shack looks pretty perfect, secure. I would love to see that room fixed up with all the gadgets and gizmo's.

Happy growing.