My First Grow (now @ 5 weeks flowering)


Active Member
I got this tasty sativa in November from a seedling that my friend planted and couldn't keep. We are about 90% sure that it is Sour Diesel due to the similarity of the plant to pictures of SD and the odor released when squeezing the buds (I have had SD before and the smell was very similar).

During the course of veg, I had numerous problems... K deficiency followed by Mg deficicency, then my light broke. Oh yeah I was only vegging with a 50w HPS, lol. Explains why this plant is so stretched. I bought a 100w HPS after that which I am still using to flower. I recently added 3 incandescents around the plant to help add more red spectrum. I placed the fan directly on the plant to help with heat stress from the new lights. Due to some errors during fimming/topping/trimming the main stem was cut completely and the plant now has 3 side branches that have become the tops. Nonetheless, the plant has flourished and she is now about 3 feet tall.

Almost all of the hairs have turned brown/orange, but all of the trichomes are still clear under the microscope so I am confused about how long she has left. What does this mean? I will post pics later. Additionally, do you think that the added heat stress from the lights (they make the closet uncomfortably warm without the fan) outweighs the benefits of the added red spectrum light (which the plant is not getting from the MH)? I have the incandescents arranged in a semicircle around the plant to give more light to the side buds also... the MH does not penetrate well below the top buds.