My first grow log


Active Member
1 Fast Bud seed (From Sweet Seeds) currently wrapped in a moist paper towel for germination.

Planning to start it off in a red party cup with some holes poked in the bottom for drainage and filled to the top with some E.B. Stone Organics Edna's Best potting soil (In case anybody was familiar with this soil and would like to remark on how it did for them). I have a 150w HPS light but I'm not sure if I should start it under that (Is it ok if I keep it far away enough?) so I might just start it off under a single CFL which is currently powering my desk lamp (I think it's 23w). Then after a week or two (probably a week because it's supposed to be a really fast autoflowering strain), I plan on switching it to a 7gal bucket (got a bit too optimistic while buying supplies while :bigjoint:)which I'll fill with the same soil as the cup. Do you guys think I should start in a cup at all or just start in the bucket?

I also bought pebbles but uh hehe...i'm not sure how to use them. :dunce: ...Should I keep them on top of the soil to retain moisture and lower evaporation to keep my soil moist or should I keep them under the soil reduce drainage? I'd appreciate some clarification on that.

I have a closet lined with Mylar and my 150hps mounted on the clothes rack. Currently there's no ventilation or exhaust set up but I plan on introducing one fan for circulation and another fan to pull air into the Roseman's bucket I plan on building (hoping that's enough to cover odor for one or two small plants) for odor control. I have some organic plant food from the same place i got the soil from so I'll probably introduce those third or 4th week?

Also, my area's humidity level is about 45 right now but I think mj's ideal is around 50 or 60 right? Will this be a problem if i keep my plant well watered?

Thanks in advance and excited to see how this goes,


(ps if i left out any info that would be helpful just lemme know. Pretty lit right now. :bigjoint: