My first grow ever

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Hello all, this is my first post and my first grow. I'm a super newb....

I'm growing in my closet, I have 1 24" 6500k light, a spiral cool white fluorescent bulb in the desk lamp on the left, and a crappy incondesent "plant light" in the desk light on the right. The plant light generates some heat so it stays nice and warm in my closet. Unfortunately my seedlings have stretched alot because of poor light placement so I have lowered the lights and now the 2' T12 buld is maybe 1-2" above the plants. I have used an emergency blanket to help direct otherwise lost light, and not seen in the picture is a small fan creating a breeze so the plants will get a stronger stem. I have the lights and fan set up on a single timer set up for 16:8. Any suggestions please give, like I said very first grow I'm new.


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New Member
take that incandesent out right now and put in a cfl. I dont care what th ebox says, it is a piece of crap.Take it outside and break it, and then possibly urinate on it to show others how truly a piece that bulb is.


New Member
Get that shopight in the centimeter range form the tops of the plants. Its not going to burn it unless it has an electrical short

Welcom to RIU. My first indoor grow was almost like yours, just with no incandesents

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Lol, I've already taken the incondesent out and I have all 6500k fluoros two of those are cfls, the shop light is also almost touching now. I have 7 good looking sprouts and about half of them are starting there second set of real leaves. I have also moved all my sprouts into individual cups and put holes in the cups.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
I was checking on my plants yesterday and found I have some bugs. I'm not sure what they are( I don't believe they are spider mites ), unfortunately my camera won't take a picture well enough so that I can even show it. I will try and draw a picture if I can catch one with out smashing it.


Well-Known Member
The pics look good.

To help with the bugs, wipe every thing down and mist the plant a lightly wipe the leaves.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Thanks, I will do this. I have ordered some organic pesticides since I've noticed the infestation, but that is more for when they begin flowering.

James Bond

Well-Known Member

My plants look good for the most part and a couple of them are showing signs of sex parts. I need to get a magnifing glass tomarrow so that I can tell if they are male or female. I'm still in veg but I have added another 2 bulbs since my last update. I would also like to bring attention to one plant that is kind of drouping. The pictures are 0623_02 and 0623_03.



Well-Known Member
Those don't look very droopy at all. Unless I looked at the wrong ones. When did you last water?

A few times in my curret grow I over watered and they drooped way more then that. Sometimes an hour or so after I water they droop like that for just a little time maybe an hour or two.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
It has been 1-2 days since I have watered them. The arent drooping bad, but I wanted to make sure if there was a problem starting I could catch it before it became a plant emergency. I thought that possibly the size of the leaves verse the length of the stems might have attributed to it.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Yes I have had a fan blowing on them, but with the third light in the middle it seems to block most of the breaze so I will have to get different fan rather than the clip on fan I have.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Ok, now I am still in veg but I can smell the plants all over the house. I was going to build a grow shed in my attick before doing an odor control but it looks like I'm going to have to go ahead and do somehing about it.


Well-Known Member
they look pretty good man. looked stretch at first but they seem to have shorted down and branched out... good job. as for the smell .... good luck.
i will follow this grow for sure

James Bond

Well-Known Member
I'm going to go to the local home improvement store after work and pick up some things. I'm going to integrate the air filter into my closet door.

James Bond

Well-Known Member
Ok, had some odor issues. The whole house had the aroma of my plants so I came up with an idea to take car of my problem. I have purchased an interior door and integrated charcoal filtered ventilation. Have a look it works great, I came home today and couldn't smell anything any where except the room with the closet in it and not hardly at all in there. Oh and here is a pick of one of my plants.


James Bond

Well-Known Member
It was just under $100, but I could have done it for less. I bought a new door, the vent grills, small flat fan, and the carbon filters. If I would have shopped around or ordered the filters online I could have really cut down on price. If I had more time I could've shopped around, but the whole house was smelling so I had to take care of it.