My First Grow Ever: Need Help


Hello all i live in beautiful southern cali and i jus got my license and clones! "girls" are 1 grapefruit and 1 firefly bought from clones in rockwool cubes first i cut the leaves in half because i heard that will allow me to see when they are actually growing so first i got 2 3 gallon "smart pots" (which are supposed to aerate promote good root growth and optimize drainage) inside of smart pots i put fox farm ocean forest potting soil which i placed clones inside and watered thoroughly the grapefruit already had couple brown spots on 1 or 2 leaves have been watering with only purified water from bottles and rainwater occasionally havent used any nutes because i think straight organic is better? As i have said this is my first grow so i dont know any ideas? "girls" are outside on my balcony ok so i have had the "girls" for about a week and a half now and i have noticed some white spots on about 3 of the leaves on the grapefruit say about a week ago so i took the grapefruit out of direct sunlight and this seemed to slow down and stop the spread of these spots on leaves about a week later spots are no different still on same leaves same size also when spots started i begin spraying safer brand insect killing spray about twice a week dont kno if it made any difference or not but i want to emphasize that all other leaves are fine!!!!! Also i would like to kno is it ok to pull those leaves off? One leaf is torn anyway because was outside one night in heavy rain so is it safe to remove those? Have had clones 12 days now anyway adding pictures someone please help me out! This aint no big operation or nothing but well loved

