My first grow box40x40x120cm (1.2x1.2x4foot) inside my closet


New Member
Hi, I've always wanted to grow my weed and I think that the time has come.

I can only do this in a Very small closet which is 45x60x130 cm.

Considering that I don’t know if the air inside is enough, to resolve the problem can I change the air opening the closet door and also opening the growth box once a day?

Then I wanted to have some clarification about the LED lighting and the aspiration is the filtration of the air.

For the LED lamp, I thought I was thinking about something around 50-100w, and I would also like to understand how to adjust the distance between light and plant.

While for the carbonfilter and the aspirator I thought I was going around on a volume of 180 / 250m3 / h, it’s ok? Too much or maybe not? I have also red that the noise of the aspirator that I’m looking for is around 25-36 db, do I risk to ear the noise also if the closet is closed? Because the closet is 2,5m near my bed.

I hope you can answer me to clarify my doubts :)


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I can only do this in a Very small closet which is 45x60x130 cm.

Considering that I don’t know if the air inside is enough, to resolve the problem can I change the air opening the closet door and also opening the growth box once a day?
Probably not. Mold would spring up the first month.
You have 100 watts of fans and lights, plus the plant watering will transpire a liter or two day in that small space.

Opening the door a couple time will be too little too late, you need to do some air exchange to clear that moisture and heat. The closet has no air volume for that.
Run the duct exhaust out the closet door and leave it slightly open for fresh air intake, or make a fake door from foam panel and run your ducts thru that for noise/smell reduction.
I could do a hole for the exhaust in the Back part of the closet, so the air can go out, but what can I do for getting here fresh air? I should put a intake fan in the bottom and do another hole in the closet? If I’ll do that it would be enough the space between the closet and the wall to get new air?
I could do a hole for the exhaust in the Back part of the closet, so the air can go out, but what can I do for getting here fresh air? I should put a intake fan in the bottom and do another hole in the closet? If I’ll do that it would be enough the space between the closet and the wall to get new air?

You could lift one of the floor boards or put a vent in the floor to allow passive intake.

I would seriously consider looking at better LEDs.
If you use low quality LED your going to be looking at 50w per square foot of space for flowering, actual power draw not made up title wattage.
If you use quality LED you can use 30w per square foot of space.
Saves you some heat and power consumption and will out grow a poor quality LED by a massive amount.
It will cost you slightly more but be worth it.
Here is 3 examples of what to look for,
Horticultural lighting group
Spider farmer
Mars ts range, bit more of a budget light but still beats the light you linked.

Or look for lights that use Samsung 301b or h diodes. Lots of them these days.
It's a 10cm exhaust at 180-250 m3, so you need an intake hole/duct at least that size, bigger if you want it quieter. Passive air intake should be larger than exhaust.
You can use the passive vents at the bottom of tent for air intake inside the closet, but still need to get fresh air in the closet.
I don't know where the holes are located on your tent and how they align in your closet, but as long as the vents aren't blocked you should get air flow
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The lights are worth putting money into, definitely pay for themselves just in smoke.
Bigger expense , but once you see flowers developing poorly under purple light, you will wish you had put up another 70 Euro.
On one of the sides of the box’s there are two holes, uno on the top and another on the bottom, I’ll put the exhaust fan with the filter on the top end another one for the intake air on the bottom, searching on the internet and taking information, I ended up looking for two fan both around 100m3/h and for one carbon filter with a maximum of 150m3/h
For the led the maximum that I can do is showing you the par and the lumen reported on his box
That 10cm blower should move plenty of air for that size tent, you should't need an intake fan unless you have a heat/air pressure situation to overcome. Just put a circulation fan inside the tent, near the intake to aid airflow.
You just need a 20-25 cm hole in the closet to let air get pulled into the closet, into the tent, and out.
Or a 10cm hole with a booster fan for more noise, less air...your choice.
Get the biggest filter you can fit, it will do a better job on single pass air cleaning and be quieter.

Have you seen pictures of grows with those lights? I can't tell what those will grow like, they only had one confusing spectrum chart on their website.
Personally, I would get some Chinese light panels like SpiderFarmer or Meiju before any Purple lights although there are some that do well.
If they have cooling fans on them, they are being run hot and hard to get the output vs led boards.

For instance:
75watt- 5 watt fan - 10 watt heat/power conversion= 60 watt output +15 watt waste heat
75 watt- 5 watt heat/power conversion= 70 watt output + 5 watt waste heat
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in the box there is also a passive air window, I don’t know how to call it, but my answer is:
Considering that, the air present in the closet is occupate by the whole box, should I put an intake fan for that reason? Because in my opinion if I don’t do that it wouldn’t be enough air recycling, obviously I can also put also a little fan to move the branches of the plant
Yes, use the passive vent intakes instead of round duct intake, then just get fresh air into the closet . You shouldn't need an intake fan unless the opening is too small. Just a small fan inside the tent near the duct to aid in dispersion should do it.
You will have to experiment, every situation is different. Sometimes, you just get a hot dead air bubble and moving a fan to a weird spot will drop the temperature 5 degrees. You may end up needing another fan to get cool air in there, but you sleep next to it and said that is an issue.

The Blower fan you showed will be fine, as long as your bedroom stays cool.
Your link is broken to the light, but anything by HLG for lighting will be full spectrum and worth the money.
https://horticulturelightinggroup/ following your tips I’ve founded this, is it ok for the box that I’m going to set up? (40cmx40cmx120cm)
I also don’t know if it is a full spectrum, which I think that is important to be able to grow both autoflowers and feminized plant,

Full spectrum is a funny term.
Most of us use white LEDs these days.

Your light is interesting , most companies ( of that style of light) use the wattage in the title that is not really the true power consumption, it makes them sound more powerful. The say 300x 3w diodes and call it 900w(really only 105w) . Yours says 25x 3w diodes and calls itself 75w.
But I cant find anything on the website to indicate its not 75w.
I would want to plug it into a kilowatt meter or any device you can measure its consumption so you know its enough.

As far as other lighting, normally I put HLG at the top of my list, but because your space is so small the hlg 65 or hlg100 would be too much since they are non dimmable.
So its worth looking at the smallest spider farmer or mars ts options which are dimmable.

Besides, you have a light right now, but more investigating is needed to know if its actually 75w, might be really good for your space if it is.
But it could turn out its only 25w which for flower would not be enough.
I can only do this in a Very small closet which is 45x60x130 cm.
How is that going to fit in the closet?
45 wide, 60 deep will get the exhaust out the back at a 90 deg turn, and leave 5 cm clearance on one side for passive air intake, or 2 cm clearance on both sides... hard to squeeze cool air down there but it can be done. Try to get fresh air flow near whatever side vent you use for best results.

45cm deep wont work, the exhaust would have to go out the top, not the back. Unless you cut the hole behind it and vent out the back?
For that reason I was thinking to do 2 holes
One for exhaust and another for tacking air outside


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Is that an Ikea box and not a closet? Like a piece of furniture? That makes it easier. Just make the intake hole as big as you can.
Skip a tent, put in a liner tray, seal it with metal tape and, add door seals and drill holes for exhaust, and mount a replaceable air intake filter on it.
That's another way to do it, but tents do help contain the smell