My First Grow! (Auto AK47 x Lowryder #2)


Hey guys, this is my first grow, which I started about a week ago. I'm using a 150 watt HPS grow light and Fox Farm potting soil. Later I plan on using fertilizer spikes. Let me know if you've got any advice, thanks.


haha yea it's a cross...thanks yea it's doing good so far...although if you'll compare the last two pictures, you'll notice that in the last pic the plant is starting to droop... I think I noobishly over watered it.


Well-Known Member
+rep and subbed. Nice and green looking plant there. I wanna eat it. :] I'm a noob too but I can tell you that I completely drench my plants every time I water them until there's plenty of runoff water. Just make sure you add perlite to your soil mix or anything that enhances drainage. Then I just wait till the soil drys out a little bit before I water again.

*edit* I always throw out the runoff water though. Don't leave any sitting in the saucer.