My first grow, 4 plant mixed strain 100% organic


What up ROI? I'm a long time lurker first time grower. Well second time grower really, earlier in the year the cops came to my door and made me cut down 5 plants right before they started to flower. I got off scott free but I was pissed my weeks of work went to waste. Anyways, my girlfriend and I got 7 more from seed and had another late start. Here are the ones that turned out female. These are planted in the mountains, just down path from a running creek. I would figure these things have about 2 weeks or so left, what do you guys think? Here's some pics after I had to trim some thanks to a few consecutive days of BC rain (mold :( ).

This is the one who suffered from the most mold, see the bare spot up on the top of the main cola. Damn, what a waste! Made for a good test bowl though :D...

Here's the res. We intercepted the creek not far from the plants for clean flowing water. This and rain water is the only thing my girls get.


Active Member
Sweet plants! Good job! I'd say perhaps 2 weeks - you might want to check out the trichomes under 30-60x magnification to see where she is specifically. Or you could pick by sight alone - check out Zeus' harvesting thread. Your choice, but either way it looks like you will be enjoying some fine nugs!