My First Grow 2009

First off here is the link to my other post. There are some pictures of the plants in early veg stages....

I am now 1 1/2 weeks into flowering (64 days from seed) and I have to say they are looking beautiful. 5/5 of the seeds I germinated from some dank bag weed turned out female. What are those odds?!?!?!?!?! I am using a 400w hps light in a closet. During the day I leave the door open so the plants get plenty air, but at night I have no choice but to close the door and I unfortunately don't have any ventilation in the room. Just some fans constantly blowing the air around. I know that is going to stunt the growth but until I can have a proper grow room this will have to do. That being said I am still pretty happy with my results for my first grow. I am using a soil medium and Jack's 10-30-20 Flowering fertilizer at 1/2 strength and I'm keeping the ph between 6 and 7

Well here are some pictures...I will try and update weekly...I would love your guy's input.

