My first cuttings, root complex?

Just pulled my first clones and hope that some of them will survive! Anyway my questions was about the rooting gear, I thought I purchased a gel that I was supposed to rub on the stem but the bottle said 500ml was good for 100L water. It's called Hesi root complex, is this the same thing or as good as using a rooting gel? Guess I got the wrong thing?! Anyway I watered them with the stuff accoarding to the label, hoping it won't kill them.


Active Member
my fav is plain old dip and grow have had every cutting i have taken root , i use a regular dome the brown medium blocks not rockwool mist them twice a day under a t5 this has worked for me and i have taken over 40 cuttings by now i think one didnt have the root structure i liked so i tossed it
to an answer imo yes it will work just as good ,if ur worried about it get another brand ,alot of growing is in ur head worring about simple things well in my head atleast