My First closet grow, Incida(1) & Sativa(2)


Whats Goin Dine WORLD!?

i gotta few question and on top of the u can drop me some advice that progress my grow, im str8 from scratch but i been doin hella research (RIU is the shit no capp) and i feeel like i still aint hittin it hard enough i got some pics posted just check em out n tell me whats up.

I get em mixed up but i kno one is a bag seed indica and the other is a sativa(how lucky and random for my first grow). I started vegging outside for about 3 weeek n the was lookin nice. they still look nice now but they just lok unhappy lol. i put them n 2gal pot with orgainc soil n rocks i got from the park, which i wash n boiled. With every opther water i use the hormone SUPERTHRIVE, which is mixed n stored properly.

Light useage is CFL 100w light bout 8" from the plantS and a 6" fan one low. and a emergency blanket as a reflector and gloss white paint wall. Light Cycle is 15/9.

But to the point the look unhappy. is it to little light or is it the chemical unbalance with the hormones and the organic soil together? also if i neeed more lights let me know and is the cycle ok all the way through flowering? and will flower under 100w ? all around i gave u all i can think of right now but just drop me some tip to help me out

plus im not a scientic but i think i got something funky chemical burns goin on with the leave cuz its really green but close up i see some discolored green spots. VERY light yellow on the tip. the fan is blowing on the light so there cant b light burn. n plus its a cfl so it can burn them.



Thanks I was just nervous cuz it's my first time n I hate wastin money n I want some good shit. Or at last something better than what the streets have to offer.