My First Budget CFL Organic Grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!
Its about time i started my grow journal, ill get pictures posted later today or tomorrow... COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, HELP, IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. This is my first and ill need it!

Cabinet for a TV or something from Savers (7.00)
Fan from Savers (2.00)
Polywrap x 2 (2.00)
3 26w Daylight CFLs (~15.00)
Mech light timer (4.00)
Rapidtest Moisture Meter (7.00)

Miracle Grow Organic
Earthworm Castings

Day 1: Just germinated in wet paper towel

Day 2: Still germin

Day 3: Cracked open, planted it in 3x3 peat moss cup. 33% mg organic soil, 33% perlite, 33% earthworm castings, added water
Temp: 75
Moisture: 2-3

i know mg organic is not really good from what people are saying, so when I transplant to the next pot I was thinking of just doing 50/50 earthworm castings/perlite, would that be better?


Well-Known Member
Once again, everyone help as much as possible, and ill get those pics up asap!


Well-Known Member
when you transplant I would try and use SuperSoil..get it at home depot...I love it it has great reps to I have a thread in newbie central thats called "why I love supersoil"


Well-Known Member
Oh, its absolutely beautiful outside where im at, perfect temp and everything. to save power and maybe get better lighting is it ok to stick my pot outside during the day when its nice then put it inside my grow cab at night?


Well-Known Member
Good luck with you're grow. Was thinking about doing a organic grow myself. Ill watch to see how you end up first.

SWAT Slash

Active Member
Oh, its absolutely beautiful outside where im at, perfect temp and everything. to save power and maybe get better lighting is it ok to stick my pot outside during the day when its nice then put it inside my grow cab at night?
Im pretty sure that should be fine. I have been doing that with my plants (non marijuana) and they seem to love it!!


Well-Known Member
ok she finally sprouted today, thank god i was getting worried. obviously very basic and simple setup, im just lookin to grow this one fully before i make myself a true grow room. Heres the pics from today:



Well-Known Member
little bit of a problem, if you look at my pics my thermometer is on the pot, and its reading to 95 almost 100. ive got the fan right on it, do i need a better fan or move the lights away? or is it ok temp, cuz im not sure if the thermometer is just supposed to be somewhere in the grow room. And if its not on the pot, itll read like 85 which is good... Any ideas please before i fuck this up?


Well-Known Member
umm... from the pictures I think you should be ok. Use your hand and place it right by the sprout, and see how hot it is. If it feels like its to warm then back the lights off a bit.

Also 85 degrees is not good. You want your grow rom usually below 80. Like in the 75 degree range. 85 is a bit to hot.

You should try and cool the whole room down, that will help keep the area by the lights cooler.

Also I wouldnt do 50/50 earthworm castings and perlite. Do you have access to Foxfarm ocean forest or something like that? MG Organic is fine by the way, and personally I would just stick with that for whole grow, changing mediums can shock plants.


Well-Known Member
cool thanks for the info. Ill see about doing something about the heat too, i just dont know if i could fit anymore fans in there its kinda small. Im gunna try buying a couple water bottles and freezing the water, then put it in the fans trajectory maybe thatll do something... only thing is thats a pain, ill have to switch them out all day. whatever to get her going i guess...


Well-Known Member
I dont think fans are going to actually cool the room down much, they will just exchange the warm air around. Frozen water might do a little bit, but its going to also raise humidity. Are you growing in an attic or something? Anyway to get like one of those air cooling fans?


Well-Known Member
like a 3-sided box. I know you think it'll be too hot, but this way, you can regulate exactly how and where the fan's breeze will be directed. it may help to make these box walls white (copy paper stapled to them works in a pinch!) put a wall on either side of your fan to channel the air onto the plant, and back off the lights just a tad. Try going for 1 bigger bulbs (like 75w), rather than three little ones cooking that poor plant. Cfl's if at all possible...


Well-Known Member
im going to post todays pic in a lil, but i gotta question about my soil moisture. I got that peat moss cup, i know roots grow through it but am I supposed to put holes in it since there arent any? And it seems like I almost have to water daily, I watered early this afternoon, and my rapidtest is showing a 1 out of four.


Well-Known Member
day 9 from germ
when should i throw on the 3rd 26 watt cfl?
Sorry i got my cam working and the zoom sucks now

