My first attempt at a grow


Hello all..Its my very first mary j grow, although im a landscaper so im familiar with the realm of starting plants from seed. I hope this site can help guide me through my first grow, and also share and learn from each other. Here are a few details about my set up.

Closet - 21" by 5 ft, 5 ft tall

Seed - 2 feminized Supergirls from Attitude seed bank (Nirvana

Soil and pots - 2 three gallon pots (bleached to remove any previous disease) with Fox Farm organic soil, and a little organic soil conditioner

Lighting - 8 26 watt 6500k cfl's...ordered a 250 watt hps that should be here in a few weeks, hopefully the cfl's can get me through seedling stage

Seeds were germinated using paper towel method, and were planted moments ago. Thanks in advance for all who choose to follow this grow. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Happy growing everyone!!


Heres a quick picture of the closet, sorry for the low quality, it was taken from my phone. Hopefully soon I'll have a camera. Once the seeds sprout I plan on raising them within two inches of the lights.



Well-Known Member
this will def work for you man. the cfls are enough probly to grow your whole crop on. if you didnt already spend the $$$ id say dont even bother with the hps. 2 fem supergirls will do you well too. im impressed you went all out on your first grow. props and +rep


Thanks for checking out my thread, Kaleo. I've heard the HPS makes a huge difference for the flowering stage, so I think the 250 Watt hps will be worth the $$. Yea, I figure go big or go home lol, even if it is my first grow. I planted the seeds earlier today, and I read conflicting reports on whether or not the grow tip is supposed to be planted up or down. I guessed it was the root, so I planted it facing downwards. Any idea if that was the right move? Have you ever had any experience or know of anyone whos smoked/grown any supergirl? Once again, thanks for checking out my journal. Peace dude


Well-Known Member
yeah thats right but it dosnt really matter cuz plants planted upside down pop up growing sidewats and fix them selves with in a few days

keep us posted growmigo


Happy 4th to everyone out there, and thanks to Kaleo and Hilltop for your help. I got the best surprise late last night....New green sprouts in my closet!! They were planted around 5 in the afternoon on the 2nd, and sprouted sometime between 10 pm and 3 am last night. I still only have my camera phone, but I am in the process of getting a high quality digital one. One plant has two leaves and a new set already coming in. The other pot has the seed completely out of the soil and is almost completely cracked. Hopefully she wont be too far behind her sister. I fed them a half strength dosage of big bloom this morning ( 1/4 tbs to 32 oz ). How often should I be feeding them at this point? I don't want to overdo it, yet at the same time I don't want to leave more to be desired. Hopefully I'll have pictures up by the middle of the week. Happy growing everyone!!


Well-Known Member
do not use nutes at this point, simple water is enough and you could hurt its little self. wait atleast 2 weeks or a month before using nutes on your babies. you sounded really excited about your plants i really hope they dont all die on you


Well-Known Member
good setup cbur but i think you should lower the lights a little more, just for this seedling stage.


Active Member
Your 8 26 6500k's is way more than enough to veg quite a few plants/mothers. (I wouldn't swap out the cfl for the hps during veg. stick with the cfl's for veg).

Def drop the lights down to 1-2" above the soil even if they haven't cracked the surface. Least this way when they crack the surface they don't stretch 5" before you notice :p :)

I would start using a weak nute solution when your plant gets to the 3rd node or so just start weak.

Most important thing is don't play with them all the time, looking is always fine but its when you have to touch them all the time that they decide there going to die :p

The most common mistakes most new growers make is over complicating there grow & or feeling that they must always play with there new seedlings (be it re-potting, lst, or just moving the seedling around). Remember its a weed, weeds thrive when they have the nutes & water and lots of physical neglect :p

Def gonna be watching. Did you get your seeds from attitude fast? just curious, i have ordered straight from nirvana for pretty much any strain that I have grown that they produce but I sure would like to order there strains from somewhere else now that you don't get extra seeds & there prices tend to be a little higher than other banks that carry there stock.


Hello everyone, hope you all had a great 4th, I know I did lol. The sprouts look great!! One is a quarter inch or less taller, other than that they are dark green and very healthy looking. I have a digital camera, I'm just waiting on a new charging cord to come in. I took a picture with my camera phone but the resolution is so shitty it does the plants no justice. From the looks of the posts I will discontinue feeding until a few weeks. Thanks for everyone checking out my grow, I REALLY appreciate all comments!

do not use nutes at this point, simple water is enough and you could hurt its little self. wait atleast 2 weeks or a month before using nutes on your babies. you sounded really excited about your plants i really hope they dont all die on you
Thanks for the advice Kaleo. I used a very week solution, and was only going by the nute schedule provided by fox farm. The girls still look great and show no sign of yellowing up or burning from the nutes. Yea I hope they don't die on me either, they are my babies now!

good setup cbur but i think you should lower the lights a little more, just for this seedling stage.
Thanks for checking out my journal heazy. Yes, the night after I planted I found some stuff to raise the pots within two inches of the lights, so hopefully I'll be good to go now.

its lookin good brow im a noob too and im tryin with an array of plants good luck to u ill suscribe
Thanks benny, us Noobs gotta stick together! I'll be sure and keep you posted!

Your 8 26 6500k's is way more than enough to veg quite a few plants/mothers. (I wouldn't swap out the cfl for the hps during veg. stick with the cfl's for veg).

Def drop the lights down to 1-2" above the soil even if they haven't cracked the surface. Least this way when they crack the surface they don't stretch 5" before you notice :p :)

I would start using a weak nute solution when your plant gets to the 3rd node or so just start weak.

Most important thing is don't play with them all the time, looking is always fine but its when you have to touch them all the time that they decide there going to die :p

The most common mistakes most new growers make is over complicating there grow & or feeling that they must always play with there new seedlings (be it re-potting, lst, or just moving the seedling around). Remember its a weed, weeds thrive when they have the nutes & water and lots of physical neglect :p

Def gonna be watching. Did you get your seeds from attitude fast? just curious, i have ordered straight from nirvana for pretty much any strain that I have grown that they produce but I sure would like to order there strains from somewhere else now that you don't get extra seeds & there prices tend to be a little higher than other banks that carry there stock.
I've heard that the HPS will give better yield, in a quicker amount of time. Money was an issue, but not so anymore. I'd like to get the plants up to around 4 feet before harvest, so what would be your best guess at what the difference in yield would be between the CFL's and the HPS? Yes, I raised the pots to within two inches of the lights the night after they were planted. One shows a little sign of stretching, the other looks perfect. I do look (stare in awe) at them quite often, but I never touch them, I wouldnt want to get my nasty germs on them! The real tempation will come when the Fruit arrives! Yea, I started mine in a 3 gallon pot just to prevent the shock of transplanting. Ive been landscaping for 8 years, so I know the basics on caring for plants, so this is helping me not over do the growing process. The Attitude seed bank send my order very fast, I believe it was within two weeks from my order when I recieved my seeds. 5 femenized super girl seeds and a california hash seed for $60 shipped was the final cost. Thanks for checking out the journal Epxny. You sound like a seasoned vet and I will no doubt be seeking advice from you. Peace to all

Dolce Vita

Active Member
hey dude if your going to go with a hps lamp for flowering, then go with a 1000 watt you'll get a lot higher yield. if you dont want to pay a shit ton then keep an eye on craigslist. good luck man, ill be keeping an eye on this grow ;)


Well-Known Member
nice start i wish id of read up when i started growin would of saved me loads of stress good first set up stick with the cfls for veg they kick hps mh for veg use you hps for flower you also need a fan in there to mate good luck with your grow


Active Member
Ya i definitely didn't mean to flower with cfl (although i am currently trying out the cfl micro grow thing but this is my first and last with cfl, hps is sooo much easier lol and way better yield).

You sound way more than competant and can't wait to actually see whatever you may end up incorperating during your grow :p .

If you have a hps i def wouldn't suggest flowering with cfl unless you just want to try it out once (thats what im doing).

flowering with cfl is just a pain in the ass :p I have been letting mine grow out of control for a few days, sick of tucking here and there etc. Can't wait to be done with this test and go back to the hps :p


hey dude if your going to go with a hps lamp for flowering, then go with a 1000 watt you'll get a lot higher yield. if you dont want to pay a shit ton then keep an eye on craigslist. good luck man, ill be keeping an eye on this grow ;)
I would love to go with the 1000 watt, but my main problem is the logistics of venting my grow area. I just graduated college and am living with the parental units, so stealth growing is a must. If I were to come up with a way to vent without it being obvious then that would be an option.

nice start i wish id of read up when i started growin would of saved me loads of stress good first set up stick with the cfls for veg they kick hps mh for veg use you hps for flower you also need a fan in there to mate good luck with your grow
Yea, money is tight and I didn't want to risk killin any of my 5 seeds, lol. Ive already messed up a few times but at least they are still alive. I do have a fan, you just cant tell from the pictures. Its in the top right corner blowing down. When the plants get bigger, I have a 16" ocscilatting fan with a negative ionizer that I'll set up. Thanks for stopping by

Ya i definitely didn't mean to flower with cfl (although i am currently trying out the cfl micro grow thing but this is my first and last with cfl, hps is sooo much easier lol and way better yield).

You sound way more than competant and can't wait to actually see whatever you may end up incorperating during your grow :p .

If you have a hps i def wouldn't suggest flowering with cfl unless you just want to try it out once (thats what im doing).

flowering with cfl is just a pain in the ass :p I have been letting mine grow out of control for a few days, sick of tucking here and there etc. Can't wait to be done with this test and go back to the hps :p
Sorry Expyxn, I definitely read your post wrong, lol. I just re-read it and got it completly. For some reason (CoughstonedCough) I thought you meant to flower with the CFL's. I also checked out your grow journal. Its always the best when you find out for yourself, it seems. I took pictures with the camera phone. At midnight they will be three days old. One is shorter and has broader leaves, the other one stretched due to being farther away from the light, and has a little smaller leaves. You cant tell from the picture, but the third set of leaves is beginning to appear. Let me know what you guys think. Im gonna stop ramblin, Im stoned. Peace dudes


Haha, forgot the pictures. Here they are, First is plant 1, shorter, broader leaved, Plant 2 is the more stemmy girl. Check em out :joint::joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
they look typical for their age, plant 2 looks like its got some spiky leafs. keep up the good work


Well, day 10 has arrived. About 4 days ago, I noticed the newer set of leaves begegging to grow curved in what looked like an S. I have given the two plants the exact same amount of water and fert, and are the exact same distance from the lights. The only reason I could think of to explain it is me moving the pot around, confusing the plant on which direction the strongest amount of light is coming from. Anyway, about a day or two ago I began to notice a little brown line on Plant 1. Plant 2, on the other hand, looks like its on roids. It is beginning to take off. I have attached a picture of both plants. The brown spot is on the bottom leaf facing the picture, sort of in the middle of the leaf. Its tough to tell from the picture. I have been giving them about a half a cup of water a day, and every other day nuting according to Fox Farms feeding schedule. Any advice/wisdom from you guys out there would be awesome. Let me know what ya think. Peace !!