My Experience with Vaporizers-Not Too Good

What Do You Think Of Vaping?

  • Dont know,never tried

    Votes: 14 28.0%
  • tried it ,still not sure

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • tried it and like it

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • like it a lot,do it often

    Votes: 16 32.0%
  • tried it and dont like it

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • cant stand it!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I have tried several different vapes over the last couple years,owning a volcano once for about a month,as well as 3 different portable ones. My experiences have been very mixed,and the persistent dry throat never really went away.

Fast forward to last night,and after a few heavy hits from my magic flight launch box,which I put aside for a few weeks,suddenly I wasnt stoned anymore ,or so it certainly seemed. I was feeling very high before that from smoking ,taking a few hits here and there ,because my lungs cant usually handle more than a few hits at a time anymore. Im 47 and have been a daily weed smoker,and I also was a heavy cigarette smoker for about 15 years. I believe that nasty habit probably did more damage to my lungs than the weed,even though Ive been smoking weed for twice as long.

Anyhow back to vaporizers. So today I thought I would give it another try,and this time after just a couple hits,I started feeling very lightheaded,dizzy like,and my muscles,started feeling very weak like I just had to sit down suddenly. I have to admit I was just getting over a serious bout of exhaustion,from working way too much,not enough sleep,and too much coffee sugar etc.Also the hits I had today wasnt totally fresh weed,it was weed from last night which I had a few hits from already,so it was turning brown,but there was still some green there. The point is however that the vape hits were having a very clear negative effect on me which were very uncomfortable,which I wasnt experience smoking . Im not sure I will ever want to vape again after these two experiences. I dont know anybody else that vapes by the way,and I know a LOT of weed smokers,so I dont know where all these vapor fans are besides these forums.


Well-Known Member
I loved my vaporizer till I pushed it too hard while sick and gave myself bronchitis and pneumonia... now I know for sure vaporizing isn't for me...

but lots of people fuckin love it man. I say its only for certain people, definitely not for everyone. which is why I can't vote on this poll because there isn't an option "loved it but can't use it anymore because it doesn't jive with my body but its great for others"


Well-Known Member
it gives me a nice uppy buzz....but i can smoke those bags all day. They never get me stoned, just high. A few nice rips on the bong and im donezo. So the luxury of a nice vape is great, but im not about to drop 500$ on a volcano if it doesnt get me lifted to my desired stone.
tried it, liked it, and sold my vape bc i didnt really use it....


Well-Known Member
I use my hookah, which vaporizes the weed if you do it right... and I got to say I don't really like the high its really uncomfortable. I like smoking on joints, but hate the fact of combustion. I ordered a vapor genie 3 days ago now im just waiting for it in the mail. I will do a mini review on it.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I loved my vaporizer till I pushed it too hard while sick and gave myself bronchitis and pneumonia... now I know for sure vaporizing isn't for me...
how can you say thats related though?

A close family member who doesnt smoke, started to get sick and it developed into bronchitis and an ear infection.. they don't smoke ANYTHING... When I was a kid, when I didn't smoke I would get bronchitis after being sick every single winter, and would be coughing my lungs out for a month and a half.. like no lie its just something i got used to... like getting the shits every once in a while

I'm just sayin man, you can't just blame bronchitis after being sick, on vaporizing.. because that shit just happens

anyway.. i love my vape (volcano), favorite tool for sure.. best thing for getting high all day.. no packing 40 bowls a day, just 3-4 volcano bowls. And no more getting that shitty taste in your mouth or a smell stuck to your fingers/clothes.

Ill still smoke bowls between volcano bowls though.. nothing like feeling it in your face immediately

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
recently got an extreme q once u get it dialed in right its awesome

esp with scissor hash!!! :D

yes i feel like people try to use vapes, expect smoke to pour out, and dont know how to use it and just dont like it and hate on it forever like, 'fuck vapes that doesnt work blunts all day nigger blunts allllll got damn day'

then i set up the volcano, and they're barely through the first bag and theyre like, 'oh no man im good' and im just like bitch keep going we got like 4 more bags on this bowl

ya feel?

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
yes i feel like people try to use vapes, expect smoke to pour out, and dont know how to use it and just dont like it and hate on it forever like, 'fuck vapes that doesnt work blunts all day nigger blunts allllll got damn day'

then i set up the volcano, and they're barely through the first bag and theyre like, 'oh no man im good' and im just like bitch keep going we got like 4 more bags on this bowl

ya feel?

Nigger blunts all gotdamn day. Priceless


Active Member
I need to try a volcano because I feel my silver surfer just dosn't get me high enough

Just purchased a Roor 7mm Fairmaster and I can safely say that comepletly wipes me out compared to my SS lol

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i run temps like 365-392

scientifically, if cannabis is vaporized properly it produces twice the amount of THC compared to just burning it

combustion destroys SOME

so yeah somethings wrong there... unless your packing a half g bowl in the roor and .25 in the SS and then saying the roor gets you higher


Active Member
i run temps like 365-392

scientifically, if cannabis is vaporized properly it produces twice the amount of THC compared to just burning it

combustion destroys SOME

so yeah somethings wrong there... unless your packing a half g bowl in the roor and .25 in the SS and then saying the roor gets you higher
Yea that might be it because I pack a huge bowl compared to my SS


bud bootlegger
yah, i agree with sr verde.. i donj't understand why say a roor would get you any higher than any other style of smoking or vape ing.. i had never vaped before, but had been reading a ton about them here and other places, so i went ahead and got myself an early xmas present.. i got the extreme q extreme package, which also comes with an iolite.. and a ton of acceseries for it as well as the bag system and a remote control..
i loaded it up for the first time with a super small bowls worth of weed..turned it on, and got really high from it.. great taste, and the high was no different to the bowl of the same bud i had smoked earlier at lunch time..


Active Member
I dunno about you but I feel like the roor packs a much bigger punch

My vape takes a while to get me high, I have to sit around it for about 5 minutes until I start feeling really baked, it is a different high from my bong but it seems to wear off quicker

I want to try a bag vape, seems like a would prefer them to the whip


Active Member
Dude just start cooking food with your bud and quit cigs. Sounds like your on a one way road to some serious respiratory problems. Shit isn't worth dying for


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I haven't tried a vaporizer, and furthermore don't know anyone that has one, but I really want to try one, but have heard that the cheap ones aren't worth the money you do spend, but I don't wanna spend that much money on something I might not even like...I need more


Well-Known Member
how can you say thats related though?

A close family member who doesnt smoke, started to get sick and it developed into bronchitis and an ear infection.. they don't smoke ANYTHING... When I was a kid, when I didn't smoke I would get bronchitis after being sick every single winter, and would be coughing my lungs out for a month and a half.. like no lie its just something i got used to... like getting the shits every once in a while

I'm just sayin man, you can't just blame bronchitis after being sick, on vaporizing.. because that shit just happens

anyway.. i love my vape (volcano), favorite tool for sure.. best thing for getting high all day.. no packing 40 bowls a day, just 3-4 volcano bowls. And no more getting that shitty taste in your mouth or a smell stuck to your fingers/clothes.

Ill still smoke bowls between volcano bowls though.. nothing like feeling it in your face immediately
yes I can bro.

you're acting like I"m some stupid newb who just randomly got bronchitis one day and blamed it on the vaporizer, which I find pretty fuckin offensive bro. just because you LOVE vapes doesn't mean they're 100% healthy for you.

I was coughing out EVERY hit while I was sick, the vape is 100% the reason I got bronchitis then pneumonia. I"ve smoked through colds SEVERAL times without this EVER h appening so yes. it was the vaporizer,don't even try and convince me it wasnt.

seriously bro, just because you're a vaporizing elitist doesn't mean it's the best thing on fucking earth with NO drawbacks whatsoever. if you're inhaling something other than AIR AND WATER it will fuck with somebodys lungs out there. just because it doeosn't fuck with yours doesn't mean you can say it didn't fuck with mine, now kindly fuck off with this bullshit, this is like the 3rd time you've tried to say that it wasn't the vaporizer when there is NOTHING ELSE IT COULD HAVE POSSIBLY BEEN.

I mean dude I had never had bronchitis in my entire life before that happened, I hadn't had pneumonia since I was 4 years old... I've been sick several times with the same kind of cold and smoked through it wihtout developing bronchitis or pneumonia. you're a fool if you think the vaporizer is so great that you can vape through a cold and not fuck it up worse.

the way I see it is this, smoking 6000 years, vaporizing less than 30. our body is obviously better adapted for one than the other, and to try to act like that isn't the case is pure foolishness.


Active Member

i don't wanna interrupt buuutt..
he was just saying man, you cant tell how he was acting over an online forum...
everyone's got an opinion..



Well-Known Member

i don't wanna interrupt buuutt..
he was just saying man, you cant tell how he was acting over an online forum...
everyone's got an opinion..

man this is the second time at minimum he's tried to tell me the vape wasn't the problem, when there is absolutely nothing else it could possibly be.

vaporizers are great, its just fucking RETARDED to believe that it's good for everyone. I"m just sayin'


Active Member
man this is the second time at minimum he's tried to tell me the vape wasn't the problem, when there is absolutely nothing else it could possibly be.

vaporizers are great, its just fucking RETARDED to believe that it's good for everyone. I"m just sayin'
ya man i know what your saying,

your just not gonna change anyone's mind when they're already set on something so i'd just leave it, and not take it personally.

I just didn't feel like watching this thread turn into another bickerfest man