My Ebb and Flow grow

I know this is an older post but I am hoping to find an answer here.
I run the Active Aqua 5 gallon Gro and Flo and have heard I need to be concerned with roots plugging my drains. Was recommended I use copper screen in the bottom of my outer bucket and that the roots won't grow thru them. Is this fact?
I have used the copper disc in my auto pots and never had roots grow through them but I have heard they still will. What about the strainer bags that are being used for high pressure aero setups as a root chamber. I think they are super fine mess so it takes a while for the roots to get through them.
Yes roots clogging the drains is a concern that’s why PA hydro uses 3” pipes to prevent it but if growing long enough they will probably plug any size pipes.
Yes roots clogging the drains is a concern that’s why PA hydro uses 3” pipes to prevent it but if growing long enough they will probably plug any size pipes.

I am considering 12 X 12 inch 40 to 80 mesh copper screen. Place in the bottom of the outer bucket. My buckets are square so will I need to some how attach them to the pot to keep them from lifting out of the bottom of the bottom pot.
I like the idea of the 3 inch pipe but I am stuck with what I got so have to find a solution to the root plugging. I have had not issues so far but the root system in still very young.