My drip keeps clogging?


Well-Known Member
I have the 8port orbiter drip manifold and it clogs within a night. I have a 500gph pump so the pump is strong enough and my drip lines are same length. Using the flora trio just the base nutes
I don’t know anything about that mute brand, but if it is synthetic then you could use some pool shock or cleanse from Athena in your rez to keep from getting clogs
I think the problem is the manifold, you can replace that without reinventing your nutrient regime. What kind of drip manifold from orbit? They have many, the regulating or non adjustable ones will be a constant problem. The adjustable or unregulated open port variety would be best, no tight constraint or regulating membrane, but your pump might not work with that settup if it’s really putting out a lot (or you’d need a pressure regulator that will work in “dirty” water without filtering).