my dog needs help...not eating


Staff member
take your dog to a vet dont give it weed.

imho we dont know how it actually affects animals, so besto take your animal to a vet


Staff member
It's affects on animals are kinda being studied.~~~>

Seems to be helping with some also.
hey man justy my opinion if the dog is seriously sick and y ou dont know whats wrong with it take it to someone who KNOWS about the dog like a vet than decide fi you wanna give it afterwards
personally i dont think people should give their animals or blow smoke in their faces
the article makes it seem as the dogs ingested it and it was a tiny amount is also says the dog died 6 weeks later so basically they prolonged the dogs painful life because of its sickness so the owner could be selfish enough to keep him/her around
kinda shitty story if that was me i wouldnt wanna be in pain for the next 6 weeks lol

Regardless of that neat article though

in any event op doesnt know whats wrong with her/his dog the dog could have something like internal bleeding from eating something sharp or whatever it needs to go to a vet


Well-Known Member
hey man justy my opinion if the dog is seriously sick and y ou dont know whats wrong with it take it to someone who KNOWS about the dog like a vet than decide fi you wanna give it afterwards
personally i dont think people should give their animals or blow smoke in their faces
the article makes it seem as the dogs ingested it and it was a tiny amount is also says the dog died 6 weeks later so basically they prolonged the dogs painful life because of its sickness so the owner could be selfish enough to keep him/her around
kinda shitty story if that was me i wouldnt wanna be in pain for the next 6 weeks lol

Regardless of that neat article though

in any event op doesnt know whats wrong with her/his dog the dog could have something like internal bleeding from eating something sharp or whatever it needs to go to a vet
Sucks that there aren't any REAL studies because of it being illegal. I'm sure we're going to find out so much more this wonderful plant can do when they can.


Well-Known Member
mix some vitamins with some water,poor down it throat..thats what I do,and they are ok after that.....samething the vet will do.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Distemper is serious business.

Once it starts all you can do is help the dog try to fight it off. This is done by keeping her healthy and happy.

A vet can give you some meds to help.

When my dog got distemper the vet told me there is only a 50% survival rate. Even if the dog survives it can lose motor function in a few of its limbs, control of its bowels and so on.

Distemper attacks the nervous system of the dog.

This is why it is SO VERY important to get the series of puppy vaccinations on time to your dog.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you are trying dry dog food, switch to a high quality wet dog food. She will enjoy it more.

Only give her a little at a time tho to make sure she doesn't vomit.


Staff member
who in the fuck does? I make pretty good money and can't afford to do it by the book.Geeze give the poor(not $wise) bastard a break
someone who cannot afford to get shots or vaccines shouldnt get a dog. medical care is somethig people need to think about before they get pets, the animals life is in your hands

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
IT's much cheaper to get puppy shots than it is to treat distemper or parvo.

Also much cheaper to get dog fixed than deal with puppies.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
who in the fuck does? I make pretty good money and can't afford to do it by the book.Geeze give the poor(not $wise) bastard a break
Local humane societies usually have programs to get vaccines and spay your dog/cat cheap.

It cost me $60 to get my cat spayed and all of her kitten shots.


New Member
someone who cannot afford to get shots or vaccines shouldnt get a dog. medical care is somethig people need to think about before they get pets, the animals life is in your hands

I agree of course but sometimes life happens.I bet you will be a little short on cash next week b/.c of the sick day today.Know what I mean? FWIW,you'd be shocked to take a drive around the local neighborhoods.Some people have 50 plus sled dogs living in 40 gallon plastic barrels as dog houses.There is usually a cruelty case in the news.75 staved dogs-some dead.type of shit.
So there are degrees of irresponsibility.Lets not be so harsh on a person with only one or two animals.Its like therapy to some. Lots of people have to sacrifice to have pets but thats how it goes


Staff member
im not being harsh i simply made a statement i dont think op hads the money to take their dog to the vet which is sad i have a cat, and i have money in a savings account specifically for MY CAT i never touch the money unless he needs to go get shots, check ups or vet, than i replace the money that animals life is in my hands and ill be dammed if i let him die because i couldnt properly take himt o the vet when he was sick


New Member
Local humane societies usually have programs to get vaccines and spay your dog/cat cheap.

It cost me $60 to get my cat spayed and all of her kitten shots.

no doubt.Thats exactly what I do.I wasn't meaning the shots ,spaying and all the routine stuff.I just was thinking about(and remember I am burnt) other things.If I took my dog to the vet for every little thing,like my folks do,I'd be homeless.It cost my mom 200 bucks once for the vet to tell her she brought in the wrong dog ! LOL she is an air head


Staff member
no doubt.Thats exactly what I do.I wasn't meaning the shots ,spaying and all the routine stuff.I just was thinking about(and remember I am burnt) other things.If I took my dog to the vet for every little thing,like my folks do,I'd be homeless.It cost my mom 200 bucks once for the vet to tell her she brought in the wrong dog ! LOL she is an air head
but this isnt a little thing, this is something very serious with a 50/50 death rate


New Member
im not being harsh i simply made a statement i dont think op hads the money to take their dog to the vet which is sad i have a cat, and i have money in a savings account specifically for MY CAT i never touch the money unless he needs to go get shots, check ups or vet, than i replace the money that animals life is in my hands and ill be dammed if i let him die because i couldnt properly take himt o the vet when he was sick

talk to me in 20 years........let me know how your cats account is.I thought I had it together.And it sounds like you do-right on